Why are new Suns thick Ethernet only
steinmetz!dawn!stpeters at uunet.uu.net
steinmetz!dawn!stpeters at uunet.uu.net
Thu May 18 01:22:49 AEST 1989
In article <10217 at orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU> rudolf at oce.orst.edu (Jim Rudolf) writes:
>I was surprised
>to find that all new CPUs will only have thick Ethernet connectors. OK, I
>agree with going with only 1 port. It means not having to mess with
>jumper cables. But why thick?!?
Perhaps because thick is a standard (and works), thin is not, and some
large customers (e.g. us) would insist on thick.
> Everybody seems to have problems with
>the thick connectors coming off ...
It's long past time to put this to rest (again). For years, we've
been converting our Enet connections to holddown connectors similar to
RS232 connectors. Supplier of the conversion parts is
AMP, Inc.
PO Box 3608, mail stop 38-28
Harrisburg, Pa.
For making drop cables, AMP part number 1-745172-3 is a metal
connector hood that goes on the end of the cable. Part 205817-1 is a
kit with 2 posts, washers, and nuts for converting a standard Enet
connector like those on Suns to mate with the AMP cable connector.
The whole conversion is about $5 per connection.
There. Now you too can have to search the building for a screwdriver
when you want to disconnect from Enet, but at least your cable won't
fall off. In fact, you can use the drop cable to pull the cpu card
out of the bus.
Dick St.Peters
GE Corporate R&D, Schenectady, NY
stpeters at dawn.crd.ge.com
GE would charge for opinions if it could find any. These are mine.
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