Backup stragety in a network environment, what tools exist?
David Kuder
david at indetech.uucp
Fri May 12 00:00:08 AEST 1989
In article <28358 at apple.Apple.COM> jrg at (John R. Galloway) writes:
One of my current clients has a large network of Suns,
diskless and diskfull 3/50's, 3/60's, 386i's, NFS servers and
of couse ND servers. Their current policy is to shutdown the
NFS servers for nightly backup. The rational seems to be that
if not shutdown the backups are indeterminate, if you want to
restore you can't tell for sure what tape to uses since a file
(particularly one in an ND partition?) might or might not have
been backed up.
There is a long running discussion about wether "dump(8)" can be run on
active disks reliably. At the USENIX Large Systems Administration
conference large amounts of anecdotic evidence that running dump against
lightly used disks was fine. The concensus was also that you pay your
money and take your chances. The general compromise was to run daily
incremental dumps at times when little activity was expected and full
dumps against shutdown disks.
In article <28358 at apple.Apple.COM> jrg at (John R. Galloway) continues:
The situation is even worse if you include managing the backup
of diskFULL workstation in a uniform way withOUT the need to
bother the stations user (i.e. by the MIS dept.). What exists
along these lines? How do other large sites handle these
The Large Systems Admin. conference had several papers describing
different schemes. The most common was to do disk to disk backups from
the workstations to the server and then do backups from there to removable
media (tapes or disk packs). One site used a "networked tape ape" who ran
around from WS to WS sliding in cartridge tapes for the nightly cron dump.
____*_ David A. Kuder {sun,sharkey,pacbell}!indetech!david
\ / / Independence Technologies
\/ / 42705 Lawrence Place FAX: 415 438-2034
\/ Fremont, CA 94538 Voice: 415 438-2003
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