Modem card under DOS problems on 386i
Christopher G. Chute, MD
chute at
Fri May 12 23:47:17 AEST 1989
I am having considerable problems setting up a second modem under DOS on
my 386i Sun workstation. The first modem is an external 2400 US Robotics
Cpurier. It is on the serial port and used exclusively by UNIX for uucp
and tip. Cron runs a getty on this device (aka ttya), thus the COM1 port
is effectively unavailable for DOS, and does not show up on the device
menu. I installed an Inmac ClearSignal 1200B internal half card modem
into slot 8 of my 386i. The card is configured for COM2 and IRQ 3. My
setup.pc file contains the line:
#COM2 /etc/dos/defaults/com2
Note that this must be commented or DOS percieves a conflict with the
boards.pc file and refuses to let you have access to COM2, because it
thinks another window has it (even if only one copy of DOS is running).
My boards.pc file contains the uncommented default line for COM2:
COM2 2f8 irq 3
Now, for the problem. I can dial the modem adequately under Procomm,
Smartcom, or Grateful Med (the Nat Lib of Medicine program), but I get
nothing but illegible transmission for my effort. Even getting an OK
prompt to the AT command typically comes back as just an O, a K, or
nothing. This happened with a Zipper 2400+ modem and I sent it back; that
it is repeated with an Inmac (more expensive modem) suggests that the
modem is not defective.
Also, MSKermit refuses to let me set a port, any port. It thinks that
both COM1 and COM2 are unavailable. Also, Grateful Med often thinks that
the modem is not turned on, which is very annoying. Evidently it expects
the OK prompt the be faithfully returned, but most of the time it is not.
I bought this card modem because it seemed virtually impossible for DOS
and UNIX to share an external modem on the save device. So I thought I'ld
just anty up the cost to let DOS have its own modem. This is not working.
Hints, help, or referal to a good therapist will all be appreciated.
Christopher G. Chute, MD Voice: (507)284-5506
Section of Medical Information Resources FAX: (507)284-5419
Mayo Clinic/Foundation UUCP: chute at medinf.UUCP
Rochester, MN 55905 Internet: chute at mayo.EDU
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