dumping to 600' tape
Joe Smith
doctor!jms at tymix.tymnet.com
Fri May 26 08:39:30 AEST 1989
In article <8905121300.AA01476 at cobra.mitre.org> gfr at cobra.mitre.org (Glenn Roberts) writes:
>X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 7, Issue 296, message 7 of 19
>X-Issue-Reference: v7n286
>> When I try to dump to a 600 feet, 1/4 inch tape I get an incorrect number
>> of tapes required if I use the following command:
>> dump 0ucsf 5175 /dev/rst0 /dev/sd0g
>> Basically, dump seems to under-estimate the number of tapes required
>> by a factor of 10.
>One way to avoid this problem is to avoid using the older quik-11 format
>/dev/rst0 - I always use /dev/rst8 (quik-24 format). Things seem to work
>fine for me using the command exactly as described in the Sun manual:
> dump 0ucfs /dev/nrst8 600 /dev/rsd0g
>the c option says this is a cartridge tape; the s option with parameter
>600 says the tape length is 600 ft (if you leave it out dump will assume a
>450 foot tape).
Glenn's advice works only for SunOS 4.0 and not 3.x, which the original
poster must be using. The difference between rst8 and rst0 is not
relevant; they both hold 60 megabytes on a 600 foot cartridge. (See page
83 of System & Network Administration, part #800-1733-10 9-May-88,
included in SunOS 4.0.)
The man pages for the version of dump that came with SunOS 3.5 says "to
estimate the size for a tape or cartridge of a nonstandard length, use the
formula: (length * tracks) * 0.95". The size specified must include all 4
tracks on a 4-track cartridge (found only on Multibus Sun-2 systems) or
must include all 9 tracks on current 9-track cartridges. That is, "s
3825" for 450 foot tapes and "s 5130" for 600 foot tapes.
The man pages for SunOS 4.0 says the default size for a 450 foot cartridge
is 425. That is, dump no longer requires you to multiply the tape length
by the number of tracks. Use "s 570" for a 600 foot tape.
Moral: RTFM. And when you upgrade the OS, RTFM again.
Joe Smith (408)922-6220 | SMTP: JMS at F74.TYMNET.COM or jms at tymix.tymnet.com
McDonnell Douglas FSCO | UUCP: ...!{ames,pyramid}!oliveb!tymix!tardis!jms
PO Box 49019, MS-D21 | PDP-10 support: My car's license plate is "POPJ P,"
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