passwd bugs (was Re: Root passwd bug on 386i)
Alan Biocca
biocca at
Fri May 5 16:11:15 AEST 1989
In article <8903311251.AA04283 at> gfr at (Glenn Roberts) writes:
>X-Sun-Spots-Digest: Volume 7, Issue 232, message 10 of 21
>If you set your root password to anything with more than 8 characters on a
>Sun386i you won't be able to log in from the console as root! (still can
>'su' though). I haven't taken the time to find out why this happens or
>whether this same problem could exist on other Sun systems.
I have experienced this with user accounts as well, and this on Sun-3/68020
based systems running 3.x... The system is inconsistent when dealing with
long account names in some cases trimming to 8 characters and others using
the whole length of account name (depending on the program(s) involved).
Our solution was to stay below 8 characters.
comments by Alan K Biocca
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