talkd incompatibilities
F. S. Kuhl
fkuhl at
Fri May 12 21:35:33 AEST 1989
dbd%benden at (Dan Davison) writes:
The reason for the incompatible talk programs is that 3.x systems use the
4.2 talkd and 4.x uses the 4.3 BSD talkd. The incompatibilities are
documented in the 4.3 System Manager's guide, I think.
I'm inclined to think there's more to it. When a colleague running 4.0.1
on a 386i talks at me (a 3/150 running 4.0.1) my attempts to respond abort
immediately. After he gives up I can initiate with him & he can respond
without difficulty.
--Frederick Kuhl, fkuhl at
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