How to create custom panel items in suntools?
Chuck Musciano
chuck at
Tue May 9 03:42:05 AEST 1989
Suntools is not extensible (XView doesn't seem to be either, at first
glance). I once tried to create a scrollbox panel item, and almost got it
wokring before I got distracted with other things.
I would simply package your new gadget as a separate module, with a few
well defined interface routines, and use it like that. Of course, you can't
call panel_create_item(), but you could have a routine called
panel_create_custom_slider or whatever that honored all the panel attributes
and used varargs to make it look just like the normal routine. Then you can
document the whole thing and send it to the sun archives for the rest of us :-)
Chuck Musciano ARPA : chuck at
Harris Corporation Usenet: ...!uunet!x102a!trantor!chuck
PO Box 37, MS 3A/1912 AT&T : (407) 727-6131
Melbourne, FL 32902 FAX : (407) 727-{5118,5227,4004}
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