Israel Zone Info File
Ephraim Silverberg
ephraim%techunix.bitnet at
Wed May 3 20:39:44 AEST 1989
The zone information for Israel (binary in /usr/lib/zoneinfo/Israel and
source in /usr/lib/zoneinfo/asia) as distributed in SunOS 4.0 is incorrect
-- even the GMT offset is wrong (though our country's main Unix guru
informs me that he has seen this error repeatedly from other vendors such
as BSD, DEC, Gould and Stride). The rules for daylight savings time in
the 4.0 zic file are not even close to reality.
The following is the correct zic file for the years 1989-2009 (assuming
that the legislation governing timezones is not amended in the interim).
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are my own and not that of the Technion.
# Zone Information Compiler (ZIC) File for the State of Israel (1989-2009)
# Prior to 1989, the rules concerning Daylight Savings Time changed every
# year; as information, regarding exact times and dates during this period,
# is not readily available at the present time, the rules commence starting
# with the year 1989.
# From 1989 onwards the rules are as follows:
# 1. Daylight Savings Time commences midnight of the first Saturday night
# following the seven-day festival of Pesach (Passover). The transition
# is from midnight Israel Standard Time to 1 a.m. Israel Daylight Savings
# time. As the Pesach festival is dependent on the Lunar calendar (the
# first day is always on the 15th day of the month of Nisan), the rule
# changes every year on the Gregorian calendar.
# 2. Standard Time is reinstated on the Saturday night whereupon Jews
# following the Ashkenazi (European) rite begin to recite the Selichot
# (forgiveness) prayers prior to the Jewish Lunar New Year. The transition
# is from midnight Israel Daylight Savings time to 11 p.m. Israel Standard
# Time. The law (according to the Ashkenazi custom) concerning the
# commencement of the Selichot prayers is described in chapter 128, section
# 5 of the "Code of Jewish Law," by Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried (translated by
# Hyman E. Goldin):
# Beginning with the Sunday [**] before Rosh Hashanah [***],
# we rise early for the service of Selichot (supplications for
# forgiveness). If Rosh Hashanah occurs on Monday or Tuesday, we
# begin saying the Selichot from the Sunday of the preceding week.
# This, too, varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar and, thus,
# two explicit timezone rules are required for each Gregorian year.
# [**] actually Saturday night as the Jewish day commences at nightfall.
# [***] the Jewish Lunar New Year.
Rule Zion 1989 only - Apr 30 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1989 only - Sep 24 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1990 only - Apr 22 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1990 only - Sep 16 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1991 only - Apr 7 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1991 only - Sep 1 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1992 only - Apr 26 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1992 only - Sep 20 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1993 only - Apr 18 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1993 only - Sep 12 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1994 only - Apr 3 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1994 only - Aug 28 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1995 only - Apr 23 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1995 only - Sep 17 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1996 only - Apr 14 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1996 only - Sep 8 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1997 only - May 4 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1997 only - Sep 28 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1998 only - Apr 19 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1998 only - Sep 13 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 1999 only - Apr 11 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 1999 only - Sep 5 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2000 only - Apr 30 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2000 only - Sep 24 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2001 only - Apr 15 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2001 only - Sep 9 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2002 only - Apr 7 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2002 only - Sep 1 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2003 only - Apr 27 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2003 only - Sep 21 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2004 only - Apr 18 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2004 only - Sep 12 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2005 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2005 only - Sep 25 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2006 only - Apr 23 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2006 only - Sep 17 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2007 only - Apr 15 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2007 only - Sep 9 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2008 only - Apr 27 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2008 only - Sep 21 0:00 0:00 S
Rule Zion 2009 only - Apr 19 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Zion 2009 only - Sep 13 0:00 0:00 S
Zone Israel 2:00 Zion I%sT
# The following is a chart of the day of the week and Gregorian date of
# the first day of Pesach and the first day of Rosh Hashanah for the years
# 1989 through 2009 inclusive.
# First Day of Passover
# ---------------------
# Gregorian Year Day of Week Month Day
# -------------- ----------- ----- ---
# 1989 Thursday April 20
# 1990 Tuesday April 10
# 1991 Saturday March 30
# 1992 Saturday April 18
# 1993 Tuesday April 6
# 1994 Sunday March 27
# 1995 Saturday April 15
# 1996 Thursday April 4
# 1997 Tuesday April 22
# 1998 Saturday April 11
# 1999 Thursday April 1
# 2000 Thursday April 20
# 2001 Sunday April 8
# 2002 Thursday March 28
# 2003 Thursday April 17
# 2004 Tuesday April 6
# 2005 Sunday April 24
# 2006 Thursday April 13
# 2007 Tuesday April 3
# 2008 Sunday April 20
# 2009 Thursday April 9
# First Day of Rosh Hashanah
# --------------------------
# Gregorian Year Day of Week Month Day
# -------------- ----------- ----- ---
# 1989 Saturday September 30
# 1990 Thursday September 20
# 1991 Monday September 9
# 1992 Monday September 28
# 1993 Thursday September 16
# 1994 Tuesday September 6
# 1995 Monday September 25
# 1996 Saturday September 14
# 1997 Thursday October 2
# 1998 Monday September 21
# 1999 Saturday September 11
# 2000 Saturday September 30
# 2001 Tuesday September 18
# 2002 Saturday September 7
# 2003 Saturday September 27
# 2004 Thursday September 16
# 2005 Tuesday October 4
# 2006 Saturday September 23
# 2007 Thursday September 13
# 2008 Tuesday September 30
# 2009 Saturday September 19
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