kendall has no more processes
mike at
mike at
Tue Nov 27 04:30:00 AEST 1990
This is a Sun 4 SLC. I've seen a similar problem on a Celerity 1260,
which repeatedly spawned /etc/crons for no apparent reason where when DNS
of the primary server goes down or becomes inaccessable. The Celerity
1260 BSD 4.2/4.3 architecture is a defunct architecture but I would not be
entirely shocked if similar problems occur elsewhere on other BSD 4.2/4.3
offshoots. I would like to hear about similar experiences and will
Summarize for the net.
Boston University (617-353-7857) Email: mike at
Smail: Michael Cohen 111 Cummington Street, RM 242
Center for Adaptive Systems Boston, Mass 02215
Boston University
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