November 1990 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 11:05:27 AEST 1990
Ending: Fri Nov 30 06:32:46 AEST 1990
Messages: 499
- file locking in Bnews2.11 under SunOS 4.1
- Talk Summary (Long Overdue!)
* Sandeep Varma *
- OpenWindows 2.0 Problems!
* Sandeep Varma *
- Acknowlwdgement for mails delivered
Patel Maqbool 387-1784
- fpu for SUN4/110
Patel Maqbool 387-1784
- Third party SCSI disks for SPARCstations
Reece JH 64178
- ClubMac disk on a Sun SPARC?
Reece JH 64178
- NIS Server/Slaver Communications help needed.
currey tom 76327
- 4.1 & in.routed
John Talbot 7x9202
- how to configure kip/cap to allowing printing over appletalk
- Sun and Telebit
System PRIVILEGED Account
- SUNOS 4.1 questions
James Warner Adams
- Wanted: Control Software Suggestions
Brad Albom
- ie0: no carrier
Karen Allen
- GCC Sparc cross 68K
Mike Anderson
- Sun 2 stuffs wanted
Mike Aos
- Sun FDDI throughput
Ed Arnold
- User Interface Builder Program for OpenWindows 2.0 ??
Christopher Arnone
- Groups/NIS problem
Jason C Austin
- MIDI on a sparc ?
Bo Nygaard Bai
- Need DEC terminal emulator for SUNVIEW
Mark E. Bailey
- Weird login behavior
Dan Barrett
- VME & TCP/IP: Fantasy or Reality?
Everett F Batey
- Sun4.1
Everett F. Batey
- Broke my ether wire 3/200 cpu, ideas
Everett F. Batey
- Making your machine talk...
John Bazik
- Fig 2.1 Available
Micah Beck
- How do I stop error messages due to IPX packets
Wayne Beech
- Coupla SUN questions...
Root Beer
- SLC disk problems
Steve Berger
- Sun 3/160 reboot - automatically?
Brian Berndt
- Help with Sun 3/160
Brian Berndt
- Sun 3/160 rebooting itself! ???
Brian Berndt
- Exabyte warnings, write retries
Craig Bishop
- netdiag?
David N. Blank
- Netdiag: delete all copies
David N. Blank
- Why the resolver libraries are unsupported
David N. Blank
John Bloomer
- locking the screen if no keyboard or mouse input.
Barry Boes
- Help for ONC/NSF articles
Babak Bolour
- Optimization level and event handlers in SunView 1
Martin Boyer
- SunOS MLS Certification Question
Maj Brian Boyter
- Sun cgnine 24 bit frame buffer and X11 R4?
Maj Brian Boyter
- SunOS Driver For HP C1700A Optical Jukebox
Seth Bradley
- Monitor Extension Cable for a Sun 4/330
Peter Brown
- Problems with NIS groups
Steve Brown
- Third party mouse for use with Sun
Bill Bryan
- SMD disks on 4/490?
Charles H. Buchholtz
- Gnu C vs. cc
Joe Buck
- Sunview tooltool mods sought
lwv27 at CAS.bitnet
- Hyperview documentation ?
Bob Haar CS50
- Running diskless VAXstation from Sun
Mike Caplinger
- Serial board recommendations for 4/280?
Malcolm Carlock
- SLIP 4.0 runing under 4.1?
Russell Cattelan
- 4Mb SIMMs on regular 4/380 memory board?
Doug Chan
- OEM vme16d16 cards in Sun 4/390
- Dial-in TTY port for Sun 386i
Wen Hwa Chou
- Third party hardware maintenance for Suns
Brad Christofferson
- Summary of third party hardware maintenance for Sun Systems
Brad Christofferson
- Summary: Sun third party hardware maintenance
Brad Christofferson
- Setting colors on sunview
Wayne V. Citrin
- Help: File System Crashes
Benjamin Clardy
- Can't swap biod and nfsd?
J. Porter Clark
- Tapeless install under SunOS 4.1
Alan Clegg
- 4mm Tape Drives on a Sparc 1+
David Collier-Brown
- Movietool
Barry Comer
- Need info on a Network Analyzer
Brian Conley
- Shared libraries with Motif 1.1 works (almo
Jeremy Cook
- SLC 2nd SIO line
Geoffrey H. Cooper
- Restoring a hung tty driver?
Doug Corey
- TERM object in Sunview
Carl Crawford
- Cable makes monitor commit suicide?
Evelyn Crowley
- BTRIEVE on Sun 4
Francois Dagorn
- TrackBall for Sun
Michael Dahl
- Converter cable for sparc scsi
Ned Danieley
- PMEG patch
Trevor Darrell
- What happened to the Floating Point docs?
Anthony A. Datri
- Xdm source
Joseph M DeAngelo
- OpenWindows V2.0 on X terminal
Joseph M DeAngelo
- Coupla SUN questions...
Rod Rebello -- CAD Development
- Memory
Mike Dilworth
- Sun Rivals Blast SPARCstation 2 in UNIX TODAY!
Jack C Dixon
- "date -a" bug? under SunOS4.1
Terry Domae
- Sun and MIDI; do I have to roll my own dev driver?
John Dormer
- Sun IPC and Giant Packets
James D. Dryfoos
- What is the overhead of lots of NFS mounts?
Barry Suskind E-Systems
- YP problems/semantic questions...
Barry Suskind E-Systems
- Sunview-based RPN calculators (HP-12,16,28 emulators)?
Bill Edwards
- Cartridge Tape Formats
Dave Edwards
- gas, gcc, & g++ under SunOS 4.1
LaVar Edwards
- Printers with DTR
Dan Ehrlich
- Pin out for ALM-II parallel port?
Dan Ehrlich
- ALM-II and HP PaintJet XL
Dan Ehrlich
- ALM-II and HP PaintJet XL
Dan Ehrlich
- Pin out for ALM-II parallel port?
Dan Ehrlich
- 4/[34]90 does not support SCSI/SMD disk under 4.4.1!?!?!?!
Dan Ehrlich
- SUMMARY: 4/[34]90 does not support SCSI/SMD disk under 4.1.1!?!?!?!
Dan Ehrlich
- Problem with YP and netgroup
Kjartan Emilson
- Problems with Ingres
Alan Evans
- Sunview-based RPN calculators (HP-12,16,28 emulators)?
Ed Falk
- Possible bug in 4.1 in.comsat
Paul John Falstad
- Remote connection to Internet
Gregory Fedor
- Sun as server for non-sun client
W. Felscher
- Problems running sunview after X11R4
Mark Ferraretto
- Segmentation fault from getpwnam (& assorted routines)
Mark Ferraretto
- plp package on sun
Karl-Jose Filler
- Sunview tooltool mods sought
Ralph Finch
- Need SunOS 4.1 /etc/format.dat entries for Fujitsu M2263S
Douglas Floer
- Speak & Record for SparcStation
Gunnar Forsgren
- Sun-3 -> SPARC assembly language, anyone?
Jerry Frain
- Sun Fortran 1.1 problem
Dan Franklin
- occam help (actually setjmp)
Dan Franklin
- What is needed for a 3/50 to recognize a SCSI drive type?
Avi Freedman
- Sun 4/110 vs. SLC vs. Fast PC vs. ???
Avi Freedman
- Does the SLC serial port (s) have modem control?
Avi Freedman
- CDC 191-766 SCSI drive format.dat?
Avi Freedman
- Remote cmdtools under OpenWindows?
Mike J. Fuller
- SunOS 4.* seems much slower
David Gast
- Can SunOS/ptroff use multiple font families?
Rich Geiger
- Serving a diskless SLC from a DECsystem 5810
Michael Gengenbach
- DNI on 3/280 at SunOS 4.0
Paul Gerwitz
- Jerk of a mouse
Jeff Giacobbe
- 4/330 server problems
Jeff Giacobbe
- Forgetable SCSI??
Jeff Giacobbe
- WANTED: Compress Program
John Giattino
- Need more swap space!
Eric Giguere
- Optimal partitioning across two SCSI disks
Patrick Goebel
- Execute permissions on /usr/etc/halt
Patrick Goebel
- Setting cursor (caret) position in panel text item?
M.W. Goheen
- Info wanted on SPARCstation IPC
Robin Goldstone
- Software Announcement : GraphEd 2.0
- Moderator's Notes (Nov 16 1990)
Bob Greene
- All things in moderation?
Bob Greene
- Setting up a domain server
Gehri Grimaud
- Why the resolver libraries are unsupported
Gehri Grimaud
- Configuring an SLC w/
Gehri Grimaud
- SLC scsi disk problem
Gehri Grimaud
- problem with fdformat on a SPARCstation 1+
George Grimes
- Determining if SunView is Running
Rick Gunderson
- Debugging Fortran??
Chris Gunn
- Break=Abort - Can it be changed?
Patrick B Hailey
- Socket operation delays
Marion Hakanson
- Bad Secondary Magic Number?
Steve Hampson
- Timewait on TCP connections
Kory Hamzeh
- Want info. on Raster-Op processor.
Young Han
- Which box is I/O hot ?
Bill Hart
- 3/160 upgrades ?
Bill Hart
- Making 'miniroot' bootable floppies - how?
Steve Hayman
- Need IEEE to Excess 128 floating point conversion algorithm
Daniel J. Hazekamp
- SS1+ SCSI disk woes
Charles Hedrick
- Get past the EOF mark on an exabyte
Klas Heggemann
- multilinks x25 on a SPARCstation?
Danielle Heinzer
- Sony 8mm tapes for Exabytes
Brad Hemminger
- Sun cgnine 24 bit frame buffer and X11 R4?
Brad Hemminger
- SUN SparcStation/OS 4.1 kernel panic
Mark C. Henderson
- SUN4/260 and GP+
Martin J. Hepperle
- cleaning Exabyte drive heads?
Jim Hickstein
- 4/65 with old 140/60 shoebox: sometimes?
Jim Hickstein
- YP problems/semantic questions...
Eric Ho
- YP problems/semantic questions...
Eric Ho
- Wanted: format.dat file for Sony optical drive
Mike Hoegeman
- Adding to
Brian Holmes
- Sun 2
Pete Holsberg
- my query about 8mm tape brands
Don Hooper
- Large number of processes on 470/490
Mark R Horton
- WANTED: patch for sun4 "BAD TRAP" crash
Jiansheng Hou
- Grabbing tty (rather than console)
Robert Howland
- How can I turn off parity check on serial ports ?
Tommy Hsieh
- Why can I write to a READ-ONLY NFS file system?
Ernest Hua
- Matrix Inversion
- Sparc sound files --> Mac sound files
Ken Hughes
- rpc.bootparamd oddness in 4.1
Ken Hughes
- Setting up a domain server
Ken Hughes
- Converter cable for sparc scsi
Ken Hughes
- "PMEG problem" patch for 4.0.3 available?
Francois Felix INGRAND
- Big Woes, Little VI
Harvey A. Iwamoto
- C-Kermit 4E(072), Sun SPARCstation1+ and vi
Harvey A. Iwamoto
- How can I check the swap partition
Martin J.Hepperle
- Sampling speech on sparcs
Paul Jacobs
- 8-bit login trouble
Stig Jacobsen
- Examining Ethernet Packets
Sakari Jalovaara
- X-windows for 386i?
Michal Jankowski
- Making your machine talk...
Jack Jansen
- F77 1.3.1 bugs?
Lew Jansen
- restricting acces via chroot()
Chris Johnson
- /bin/login hangs if an NFS server down?
Chris Johnson
- Strange NFS behaviour under 4.1
Chris Johnson
- Building a 4/280.
John A. Johnston
- Compiler/linker question
Dave Jones
- How to config a standalone 3/60?
- Hitachi DK312C-25 format.dat needed
Scott J. Kamin
- Terminfo Question (alternate character set)
Sanju Kapoor
- Opinion wanted about 4/110 - 4/3[13]0 upgrade
Jeff Katcher
- NFS cache question
Mike Khaw
- .forward vs. NFS?
Mike Khaw
- SUN flight simulator
Alexander Klaiber
- Terminal program to replace 'tip'
David B. Knight
- ACB-4000 with Maxtor XT-1140
Maarten Koning
- Sabre 850 problems on Suns
Carlo Kopp
- Cmdtool windows "fade away" in SunView
Glenn F. Leavell
- Bad label on hard drives
Stuart Levy
- GNU cc vs cc
Stuart Levy
- SunOS 4.1 `ld' bug ...
Peter Li
- New Sun Workstations?
Yingsha Liao
- Help with share libraries
George Lindholm
- Help with shared libraries
George Lindholm
- Man page suffix
George Lindholm
- grtool
Tim Linsley
- What to buy with $150,000 ?
Robert Lipman
- I need to read after the End Of Media - Please HELP !!!
Pedro Lopez
- SPARC station <--> LaserDisk cable
Frank Luksa
- workstation SCSI disk I/O performance
Tim Lynch
- Problem with ftp under SunOS4.0.3c
Tim Lynch
- Problem with ftp on Sun SparcStation
Tim Lynch
- Taac board demos under anything _but_ Sunview
Blair MacIntyre
- 3770 RJE emulation
Paul Maclauchlan
- Does anyone have performance specs for Quantum ProDrive 105S ?
Steven D. Majewski
- Gcc, X11R4 and old Sun OS
Rainer Malzbender
- Pageview and Mac Postscript
Ken Mandelberg
- Wanted: Project Managment Tools for Sun
Mikel Manitius
- Sbus Ethernet Cards
Steve Maraglia
- IPC Memory configurations
Steve Maraglia
- SS1 aspect ratio
Jeffrey Marans
- OpenWindows, shelltool and emacs
Gregory March
- Execute permissions on /usr/etc/halt
Barry Margolin
- broadcast address
Barry Margolin
- broadcast address
Benson I. Margulies
- Communicating with floppy's between SparcStation and MacIntosh
Andre Marien
- Format.dat parameters for Quantum 170M ?
Lindell Markku
- simulation tools
Pietro Martucci
- yppasswd problem with passwd.adjunct file
Ian Mason
- WREN VII on SS1?
Joe McGuckin
- Sun FORTRAN 1.2 vs. 1.3.1, pros and cons.
Alan M. McKenney
- Bug in telnet under SunOS 4.0.3
Mike McNally
- GNU Emacs under SunOS 4.1
Philip Meese
- Using CD-ROM manual pages on SunCD Demo Disc-1.0 (
Philip Meese
- Crisp/Brief/Grief On Unix (Summ
Rohit Mehrotra
- Mailing List for Brief / Crisp / Grief editor users
Rohit Mehrotra
- Brief lookalike editor available on Unix.
Rohit Mehrotra
- Fortran 1.3.1
Andrew J Michael
- Illustration/drawing software recommendations?
Allen Middleton
- lpr lock problem under Sun4.0.3
Clifford B Miller
- Sun manual costs
Ruth Milner
- Cache organization and cache benchmark
Christina Miu
- Sun User Group Conference & Exhibit
Miyong Byun, User Programs
- Integrating E-mail and FAX
Stefan Mochnacki
- Problem with sparc Fortran
Patricia Monger
- HP disk drives
Tom Moore
- Help for Syscall Trace
Michio Morioka
- (Summary) Re: Changing the login message from telnetd
Michael H. Morse
- X cdplayer
der Mouse
- DATs
Carl Muckenhirn
- SunOS4.1 Kernel panics...
J Mukerji
- Boss Available.
Chuck Musciano
- Contool, patch 1
Chuck Musciano
- Contool 3.0, patch 2
Chuck Musciano
- Laser printers for SUN/VAX?
Robert Mutel
- Simulating less memory available
Ken Nelson
- Shared Library Questions
Dale Nielsen
- SUMMARY: International character sets with SunOS 4.1
Ole Holm Nielsen
- Using CD-ROM manual pages on SunCD Demo Disc-1.0 (SUMM
Ole Holm Nielsen
- Movietool version 1.2 goes multimedia !
Ole Holm Nielsen
- Ray Kreisel's "touchup" - where is it ?
Ole Holm Nielsen
- Shared object libraries
Jeff Nieusma
- Sparcstation 2
Paul Nulsen
- Format.dat entry for a Tri-star SCSI removable drive
Bruce O'Neel
- Is my pty console (a la TIOCCONS)
Chuck Ocheret
- QIC-150 on SUN 3/50
- 150MB tape on 3/60
Wallace E. Owen
- 150 meg tape drive device drivers for 3/50, 3/60
Wallace E. Owen
- SPARCprinter and NeWSprint
- Need info on connecting a CDC 9715-515 (SMD) drive
Scott Paisley
- Sun Comon SCSI Architecture problem
Colonel Panic
- "sickly green" in raster images with Sun 4/60 and GX accelerator
Andrew Patrick
- TrackBall for Sun
Donald Patterson
- Recording and playback of Sunview events
George Pearson
- Sun 3/50 vs CD-ROM SunOS 4.1
William R. Pearson
- Looking for file management software for character terminals
Toivo Pedaste
- Sun 3/60 too noisy
Toivo Pedaste
- SBus to VME converter
Tom Perrine
- Event problems with OpenWindows2.0
Paul Perry
- Need to Turbo-charge our server!
Pinhead at Spikes
- How do I trace source of Bus Error?
Tom Poage
- Need SUN->IBM floating point conversion
Glenn Popelka
- SCSI documentation
Kenneth Porter
- SunView underline spontaneously replaces inverse video
Kenneth Porter
- RS6000 <-> Sun NFS problem
Gary Powley
- How can I extract Swapping info from NFSWATCH under SunOS 4.1
G.D. Pratt
- INODE errors on SPARCstation
- Sun Education comes to Albuquerque, NM.
Douglas Hall - RTPM
- Problem with FTP and tcsh
Susanne Ramsey
- Color postscript from screendump
Swaminathan Ravikumar
- Dangerous Program
Harold Ravlin
- Bugs in csh and dbx under SunOS 4.1
Mark Rawling
- UNIX device driver question
Paul Rawlins
- UW Sun SW Site License
Bryan Rawson
- Where is Ki Research ?
Bill Rea
- University Ingres
Rod Rebello
- Colour PostScript under Sunview?
Keith Refson
- 150 Mb tape drive question
Jim Reilly
- Printers with DTR
Dan Rich
- FORTRAN->C translator
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- Novell and Unix ..? (shared print queues)
David Roessli
- SLIP over Modems
Karen M. Rogers
- TrackBall for Sun
William Ross
- Adding second EDSI drive to Sun 3/60 SCSI shoebox
Keenan Royle
- /bin/login hangs if an NFS server down?
John Ruckstuhl
- HyperNeWS1.4 Now Available
Jim Rudolf
- SLIP protocol software wanted for the SunSparc1
Leif Andrew Rump
- Gnu C vs. cc
Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
- 150 Mb tape drive question
Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
- I'm new to Sun
Deborah Rutan
- Sparcstation 1 disk drive
Michael Ryan
- SS1+ keyboards
Jim Williams SYSGROUP
- Can you make my plotter work?
Houman Safai
- byte displacement overflow in x
Eric Salituro
- SUGFest Program and Registration
Peter Salus
- SCSI Floppy Disk Drives for Sun Sparcs
- How many Bourne shells does your OS have?
Scott Schwartz
- Sunlink DNI - Decnet-Dos Sethost not working
Axel Schweiger
- GnuPlotX where can I FTP ?
Len Schwer
- Good archive tool sought
Peter Scott
- Voice Output on a SparcStation
Steven Seaney
- Dataless Clients on a different subnet than the server
Ashok Kumar A. Segu
- Benchmarking idea solicitation
Ralph Seguin
- What is SUN's official upgrade policy?
Dan Severance
- Setting up a YP password file
Oren Shani
- Does the SLC serial port (s) have modem control?
Joel Shapiro
- Looking for bulletin board software
Robert Sillett
- Looking for 'Larry Wall's metaconfig'
Peter Silva
- Gnu C vs. cc
Steve Simmons
- F77 and Sun OS4.1
Mark R. Simpson
- File write errors under SunOS 4.1 NFS-bug?
Aaron Sloman
- Union Problem on Sparc
Bradley E. Smith
- Sun and MIDI; do I have to roll my own dev driver?
Brian R. Smith
- Address for Quantum
Horkan Smith
- Synchronous comms thru Sun tty ports?
Joe Smith
- Trouble Booting a Diskless 4/65 from a 4/470 running SunOS 4.1
Joe Smith
- problem with using 'dd' to copy 'tar' tapes
Joe Smith
- Problem in the terminfo directory for SunOS-4.1
Joe Smith
- 3.5" SCSI floppy for Sun
Robert S. Smith
- WingZ, OpenWindows, and other spreadsheets.
Alan J. Snyder
- 4.1 and netmask problem/solution
Roger Southwick
- Union Problem on Sparc
Henry Spencer
- Negative UID in acct
Ron Stanonik
- Cursor keys in vi during insert mode
Peter Steele
- Having problems with MNP modems
Peter Steele
- IPC under SunOS 4.0.3
Gregory M. Stelmack
- TFS and Automounter
John Stephens
- Wanted: > 300 meg disk for a 3/50.
Michael Summers
- SPARC instruction set
Dave Sussman
- Optimizing memory distribution
Bob Sutterfield
- 4.1.1 doc update (was Re: Sun manual costs)
Bob Sutterfield
- Serial port access on Sun SLC
Bruce D Szablak
- Does the SLC serial port (s) have modem control?
- SPARCengine 2
Yuval Tamir
- Problems with the SCSI port on the Sun/SLC
Yuval Tamir
- software security packages - C2
Binod K. Taterway
- GNU Emacs trouble ...
Binod K. Taterway
- Sendmail 5.61 problems on Sparc 1+ (SunOS 4.1)
Binod K. Taterway
- How to reduce reflections on Sun screens?
Ian Taylor
- SunOS free memory ?
Gil Tene
- 3.5" SCSI floppy drive for Sun ?
Gil Tene
- Find that follows symlinks?
Derek Terveer
- Bug in tmp/swap sharing?
Derek Terveer
- Apply this patch to hatstat.c after installing the PMEG patch
Manavendra K. Thakur
- Educational Software Needed
Dominique Thongs
- Tektool zoom?
Michael Tippett
- Stack Size
Laurent Toutain
- Twisted pair ethernet xvr on Suns...
Phil Trubey
- Argument passing on SPARCs
Panos Tsirigotis
- GCC Sparc cross 68K
Marc Ullman
- Voice Mail
- Skybolt accelerator vs. Mercury
Peter Vafeades
- Sharing the entire data segment between tasks
D Venkatrangan
- debugging query
D Venkatrangan
- Library for graphing.
D Venkatrangan
- User Interface Builder Program for OpenWindows 2.0 ??
D Venkatrangan
- Big Woes, Little VI
Frederique Vernhes
- Can't you feel it - nqs is in the air tonight...
Frederique Vernhes
- Big Woes, Little VI
Frederique Vernhes
- Sun on a 386 sys V network.
Stan Voket
- Sun386i Networking Help
Larry Wagner
- Sunview general questions
Mike Walker
- Athena Wighets.
Guangquan Wang
- DevGuide?
Dan Warburton
- Examining Ethernet Packets
Dan Warburton
- Wanted: Simple Text Editor, like EVE, for a Sun ...
W.L. Ware
- Where is Ki Research ?
Dan Watts
- Leased line software and hardware
Robert Wenig
- help with vacation program
Clay Calhoun Western
- Problem with name service for a 4.1 SparcStation
John F. Whitehead
- /bin/login hangs if an NFS server down?
David E A Wilson
- ACB-4000 with Maxtor XT-1140
Dire Wolf
- Sabre 850 problems on Suns
Dire Wolf
- Server crashes in OW2.0
Thomas Wolf
- X11/News Server crash
Thomas Wolf
- Rectlist passed to canvas_repaint_proc
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- Sun third party hard drives. info wanted.
- Controlling Network Traffic Direction
Lap Yun Yau
- Hardware problems?
Lap Yun Yau
- Sun386i Networking Help
Jeff Young
- Batch job control under unix
John Yun
- Should I buy a SPARCstation 330?
Tony Zador
- 386i, SNAP
Mai Zhou
- Files from sparc to RS6000 by floppy
Rob Zomerdijk
- Sunview crashes on Sun 3/60's
krishna at
- enscript, et al, available elsewhere than Sun?
mike anthis
- Cannot connect scsi device
pdwalker at
- Ratio of administrators to workstations
pdwalker at
- Problem with Canon A200EX II and Sun PC-NFS
laukee at
- GUIDE software (follow up)
edlz at
- OpenWindows 2.0 Problems ???
edlz at
- Memory
steinour at
- Non-sunview CD player
- `od .' on NFS-mounted directories
eric%yamada-sun at
- Protecting NFS mounted filesystems from root on clients
eric%yamada-sun at
- Why So Few Commercial Applications That Use RPC?
will at
- Sun MIDI/audio info needed
roger davis
- new PostScript/raster graphical editor available
roger davis
- Question about SCSI device drivers
btr!!atk at
- synonym finder for SUN workstations???
coleman at
- Public Domain drawing program -> postscript??
coleman at
- Tasking and stack space usage by printf on Sun 3
neal at
- SLIP over modems
rogerskm at
- Sparcstation 1 disk drive
- Help: Vax --> Sun Keyboard Mapping
brinkman at
- "PMEG problem" patch for 4.0.3 available?
Steinar.Haug at
- SPARCstation New User Questions (graphics, color, sound)
reger at
- Simple Parallel I/O with the SCSI Bus
shawnd at
- CDrom use in 4.0.3
lazear at
kilonsky at
- Need more swap space!
larry hughes
- Sunview-based RPN calculators (HP-12,16,28 emulators)?
danj1 at
- shared library version binary patch?
pst at
- X <-=-> cg6
stergios at
- Info on Sun's Accelerator Cards
ELEE6I5 at
- Problem with sendmail on Sun 3/60
dennisg at
- CDC Wren IV 94171-350M format.dat entry wanted
beschta at
- fonts for vt100tool
ell at
- Sun audio and serial cables
phil at
- Name Server under SUN OS 4.1
jeremy at
- Getting reasonable swap performance
chudnall%pkg at
- Is DOS Windows extinct?
dale mensch
- products (was: TrackBall for Sun)
bob at
- ftp permissions: summary
Claude.P.Cantin at
- 8mm -- _very_ slow?
oparadis at
- Socket operation delays
- Hard Links to directories.
mike at
- kendall has no more processes
mike at
- Bourne Shell Function positional parameter space
chet at
- OK to mount a Sun 3/50 on its side?
js at
- OK to mount a Sun 3/50 on its side?
js at
- Wanted: GAMES
- Floating-point benchmark comparison
mohan ramamurthy
- OpenWindows 2.0 rootmenu
deckel at
- Exabyte warnings, write retries
katz at
- SCSI on the 490????
katz at
- Diskless, Dataless, and in-between...
katz at
katz at
- SUNOS 4.1 woes
katz at
- Examining Ethernet Packets
katz at
- broadcast address
katz at
- seeking info on NetWorker 1.0
sppy00!cth at
- HP 1.18GB drive problems (l
mh2620 at
- ipc, tli or sockets?
klaus u schallhorn
- Porting System III [as in three] -> SunView
klaus u schallhorn
- GNU cc vs cc
- problem with SunCore on Sparcstation 1+ (SunOS
- Response with diskless Sparc
uucigj at
- Multiple copies of screenblank on 386i
heiser at
- SunOS MLS Certification Question
wayne at
- WingZ doesn't work well, even under SunView
gnu at
- Getting coredump from stopped process.
swg1!markus at
- OpenWindows bugs ???
swg1!markus at
- Empty Shoebox Wanted
Bill_von_Hagen at
- CD ROM drives and drivers
m.summerfield at
- New Sun Workstations?
v087mxgb at
- I need EVERYONE's opinions and recommendations
v087mxgb at
- Grtool Manual
v522tqvg at
- 386i
suntan!sunburn!mcdphx!zztop!xroads!beagle!Jim.Chandler at
- Problem with debugging SunView programs using dbxtool
fredc at
- How to get a SunView panel to update after a change has been made
fredc at
- Need a few simple images
skm8109 at
- Problem about OS 4.1
cadence!yhsieh at
- Dvorak keyboard for SPARC
infmx!crayola!todd at
- X-Windows IPC
melpar!jim at
- X-Windows IPC
melpar!jim at
- GNU Emacs under SunOS 4.1
lubkt at
- Suncore missing
hamish at
- SUN clones
nagle at
- PMEG patch
Mark_Weiser.PARC at
- Sun 4 & MMU: further inquiry
Mark_Weiser.PARC at
- Child control with the Notifier
Mark_Weiser.PARC at
- TrackBall for Sun
Mark_Weiser.PARC at
- Mouse event queue flushing/blocking window movement ?
frank zeppenfeldt
- Using kermit with Sun3
hao zhou
- Source for vt100 emulator in sunview
hao zhou
- FORTRAN->C translator
henry at
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 06:32:46 AEST 1990
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:40:06 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).