Problems with Ingres
Alan Evans
evans%sophia at
Sun Nov 4 14:00:00 AEST 1990
We have been running University Ingres for some time on a network of Suns
with no apparent problems until recently when we noticed that equel
(Embedded QEUL) had stopped working after upgrading to SunOS 4.1. (Ingres
was re-compiled and re-installed...) The equel preprocessor generates code
just fine, but the resulting programs, when compiled and linked, seem
unable to communicate with the forked ingres child process. The process
consistently generates read/write errors on pipes. Before going into this
too deeply, we were wondering if this was known to (and perhaps solved by)
Alan Evans (413) 586-4542 Department of Computer Science
Internet: evans%sophia at Smith College
Bitnet: aevans at smith.bitnet Northampton, MA 01060
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