OpenWindows, shelltool and emacs

Gregory March march at
Wed Nov 21 05:00:01 AEST 1990

I am having problems running emacs 18.55 in a OpenWindow shelltool on a
SS1+. This is how I invoke emacs:

	$OPENWINHOME/bin/xview/shelltool -Wp 100 19 -Ws 781 826 \
	-WP 1085 497 -Wl "Emacs" -Wi -Wf 170 0 0 -Wb 175 255 255 emacs  &

(really all one line in my .openwin-init file)

This is the message I get about 60% of the time on my console:

	sendsig: bad signal stack pid=7139, sig=11
	sigsp = 0xf77ff518, action = 0xe0540, upc = 0x3214

The shelltool just terminates.
Any ideas? I'm stumped.

Gregory F. March    march at

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