Sampling speech on sparcs

Paul Jacobs qualcom!pjacobs at
Sun Nov 4 14:00:00 AEST 1990

I am looking for information on doing sampling of speech waveforms
directly on a sparc station using its built-in hardware.  The problem is
that the built-in sampling rate is 8K Hz (8192 Hz) and we want a sampling
rate of 8kHz (8000 Hz).  We don't want to do interpolation and decimation
to change the sampling rate.  Does anyone know of a work-around which will
allow us to directly set the sampling rate, ie. does there exist a
software settable counter which determines the sampling rate of the codec?
If not, any information on hardware solutions such as add-on cards using
the same T7500 codec or simple modifications to the existing hardware
would be appreciated.

   Paul Jacobs		Qualcomm Inc.
   E-mail:     pjacobs at

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