Help catching floating point exceptions
Rowan Hughes
csrdh at
Fri May 31 17:18:22 AEST 1991
In <SDL.91May29181249 at> sdl at (sdl) writes:
>In article <91149.150333AER7101 at TECHNION.BITNET> AER7101 at TECHNION.BITNET (Zvika Bar-Deroma) writes:
>Zvika> I've been told by my IBM rep. that as IEEE didn't require that division
>Zvika> by zero be trapped and signalled, then (some/many/most) RISC machines
>Zvika> don't, and he thinks, that unless there's such a requirement from IEEE,
>Zvika> they won't also in the forseeable future.
>Your rep. is correct. From IEEE 854-1987: "There are five types of
>exceptions that shall be signaled when detected. The signal entails
>setting a status flag, taking a trap, or possibly doing both".
>Moreover, IEEE requires that if you implement IEEE trapping, that
>"A trap handler should have the capabilities of a subroutine that can
DEC have released their new f77v3.0 compiler for the DECStations
(=R3000) and it traps all floating exceptions; the job aborts
with a core dump. I've done some benchmarking between the new and old
compilers (with and without fpe) and the performance has dropped by
less than 1/2%. Fpe is enabled ALL the time, irrelevent of
compiler options. There is an option for the job to continue after
a fault, and the user is notified at the end of execution.
Integer overflow can be trapped also.
It can be done easily on RISC, with no loss in performance.
Rowan Hughes James Cook University
Marine Modelling Unit Townsville, Australia.
Dept. Civil and Systems Engineering csrdh at
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