Questions about tcsh and lpr

Chuck Karish karish at
Mon Mar 6 16:09:39 AEST 1989

In article <16225 at mimsy.UUCP> steveg at (Steve Green) wrote:
>The README for tcsh says it will work with AUX....but you need the csh source
>code.  What are the legalities of someone posting that code?

Unless and until the Berkeley code police certify the code as 100% free
of AT&T content, and Berkeley decides to give it away, it's probably a
violation of copyright and/or non-disclosure agreements to transmit csh
code to anyone who does not have a BSD source license.

Alternative: learn to use ksh.  It comes with AUX, and is available
without need for hacking.  The ksh functions in the back of the
KornShell book, together with what's built into ksh itself, provide a
complete and flexible working environment.

	Chuck Karish	karish at

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