problems with NFS mounting

Steve Dyer dyer at spdcc.COM
Thu Mar 2 12:33:17 AEST 1989

In article <436 at gregb.UUCP> gregb at dowjone.UUCP (Gregory S. Baber) writes:
>I can mount Sun volumes
>from the Mac2, but I can't mount Mac2 volumes from the Sun. I get:
>	% mount -t nfs -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024,retry=10 mac2:/users /mnt
>	mount: access denied for mac2:/users
>	mount: giving up on:
>	   /mnt
>	%
>I have /users listed in the /etc/exports file on the Mac2, inittab is set
>to "wait" for an NFS server, and all permissions are 777. Anybody have
>any idea as to what's up???     Thanks,  gregb

If rpc.mountd cannot resolve the hostname stored in the UNIX-style credential
to the IP address from which the mount RPC request came, you would see the
behavior you describe.

Make sure the Sun's name and IP address can be discovered on the Mac II
through YP or named.

Steve Dyer
dyer at aka {ima,harvard,rayssd,linus,m2c}!spdcc!dyer
dyer at

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