problems with NFS mounting

Gregory S. Baber gregb at dowjone.UUCP
Wed Mar 1 00:28:33 AEST 1989

I have A/UX 1.0 :-( running on a Mac2. I have an Etherport II card
from Kinetics with the A/UX drivers. I have NFS up and running and
can rlogin to and from the Mac2 to the Sun, Telnet back and forth, etc.
The Sun is on thick ethernet, the Mac2 is on thin, connected to the
Sun network via a Cabletron MR-2000C repeater. I can mount Sun volumes
from the Mac2, but I can't mount Mac2 volumes from the Sun. I get:
	% mount -t nfs -o rsize=1024,wsize=1024,retry=10 mac2:/users /mnt
	mount: access denied for mac2:/users
	mount: giving up on:
I have /users listed in the /etc/exports file on the Mac2, inittab is set
to "wait" for an NFS server, and all permissions are 777. Anybody have
any idea as to what's up???     Thanks,  gregb

Reply to: Gregory S. Baber		Voice:	(609) 520-5077
	  Dow Jones & Co., Inc.		UUCP:	..princeton!dowjone!gregb
	  Box 300                           or  ..uunet!dowjone!gregb
	  Princeton, New Jersey 08543-0300

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