How to change MacOS partition size?

Chuq Von Rospach chuq at Apple.COM
Fri Mar 3 02:56:48 AEST 1989

>I'd like to increase the size of the MacOS partition on the 80Mb A/UX
>disk.   Without resorting to tape backups or secondary hard drives.
>Can this be done?

I did this yesterday, as a matter of fact. It's pretty simple if you're
careful. If you don't change the A/UX partition you don't need to back it
up. (If you're paranoid like me, though, I'd make sure I had copies...)

First, back up all the files in the MacOS SASH Partition. It's going to be
deleted and a larger one created.

Then reboot with your 6.0.2 (or whatever) disk and run Apple HD SC Setup. 
Delete the SASH partition and the swap partition. Then create a new swap
partition at whatever smaller size you think you can live with. Then create
the new SASH partition with whatever space is left. If you live dangerously,
you can delete the eschatology partition(s) to free up some more space.

My system now has 10Meg in the Sash partition and a 10 meg swap. Nice and
happy. Be careful, though -- back up the SASH partition and make sure you
don't accidently zap the A/UX partition or you'll be unhappy!


Chuq Von Rospach       -*-      Editor,OtherRealms      -*-      Member SFWA
chuq at  -*-  CI$: 73317,635  -*-  Delphi: CHUQ  -*-  Applelink: CHUQ
      [This is myself speaking. No company can control my thoughts.]

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