A/UX 2.0 and X11R4

Richard Todd rmtodd at servalan.uucp
Mon Sep 3 11:51:17 AEST 1990

MATLEVAN at EKU.BITNET (Jerry LeVan) writes:
>The only problem I have encountered so far is that vi seems to have
>changed. vi no longer "understands" xterm. Even though TERM=xterm
>and TERMCAP contains the termcap info vi says it does not understand
>"xterm" and falls into "open" mode. Does vi only examine the terminfo
>file in this version of A/UX? (there is no xterm entry in terminfo.)

  Not only does vi only understand terminfo under A/UX 2.0, it did under 1.1
as well.  Evidently you must have lost the xterm terminfo file somewhere in
the shuffle.  

>Has anyone built a xterm terminfo source description? (I am using
>TERM=vt100 as a workaround but I don't know yet if there are going
>to be editing problems.)
  Compiled terminfo files for the Mac are supplied with the R4 distribution.  
Go to mit/server/ddx/macII and look at the xterm.tic and xterms.tic files.
They should have been copied into the /usr/lib/terminfo directories 
automatically, but if not, copy them by hand to /usr/lib/terminfo/x/{xterm,

>TextEditor takes over 30 seconds to start! What's going on?
  Hmm... I wouldn't say it's that slow, but it definitely is not speedy.
Me, I avoid TextEditor and use either GNU Emacs or vi, so....

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