novice to AUX 2.0 needs help

Matthias Urlichs urlichs at
Wed Sep 5 00:14:48 AEST 1990

In comp.unix.aux, article <1990Sep1.070024.12324 at>,
  nevai at (Paul Nevai) writes:
< (i) How much space does AUX 2.0 occupy? I have a bunch of hard disks with
< Mac OS stuff on them and I intend to use them as Mac OS stuff. I want to
< buy an additional drive for the AUX 2.0 and I'd like to get the minimum
< size necessary. 
< (i')Would a syquest cartridge be enough to hold AUX 2.0?

You can fit a working root/usr partition on a Syquest, but you can't install
A/UX onto it (the installation copies lots of stuff you don't need, like
Fortran compiler, fonts for ditroff, &c). You'll also need a swap partition
and some space to work with. Syquests also are slow (or at least the older
mechanisms are).

< (ii) Will I be able to use all my Mac OS hard disks while running Mac OS in
< a window of AUX 2.0? Syquests?
Yes. Be aware that you all disks may only have _one_ HFS partition.
The partition map must be OK (some drivers aren't nice in that respect -- the
Rodime driver, last time I checked, sets the logical partition size to zero.
For Syquests, you also need a porgram like "fix error page" (available on
Sumex), which sets some mode parameters A/UX can't cope with.
The driver must be installed when you boot so that the kernel remembers
there's a MacOS partition there (this could have been solved much better...),
and you can't swap cartridges while in the A/UX toolbox environment.

Matthias Urlichs -- urlichs at -- urlichs at
Humboldtstrasse 7 - 7500 Karlsruhe 1 - FRG -- +49+721+621127(Voice)/621227(PEP)

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