Swapping Internal for External disk contents (Installing A/UX)

Joe Grant grant at cft.philips.nl
Sat Sep 1 00:05:44 AEST 1990

Hello netters,

  I have a question concerning installing A/UX 2.0. I just received
  a call from our local Apple center to say our copy of 2.0 is on
  its way. The system that we have is a Mac II with A/UX 1.0 installed
  on the internal 80MB drive (it was preinstalled when we got the
  machine) and the MacOS related files on an external 80MB drive.
  What I am hoping to do is reverse the situation. I'd like to have
  A/UX on the external, that way I can take it to any other Mac in
  the area that's capable of running A/UX. What I had planned to do is
  reformat the internal as a standard MacOS drive. Copy the
  external to the internal by selecting all the top level folders on
  the external and dragging them to the internal. Change the name of the 
  external to some interim name, change the name of the internal to the old
  name of the external - so that the likes of HyperCard can find their stacks.
  Then follow the A/UX installation procedure with the external as the target.
  Does this sound like the correct way to tackle the problem or am I missing 
  something vital?

  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  Joe Grant

Joe Grant,                       Telex     : 35000 phtc nl/nlmtfarr
Philips B.V., Building HKJ-p833, Telefax   : (31.40.7)37222
P.O. Box 218, 5600 MD Eindhoven, E-mail    : grant at nlccl.cft.philips.nl
The Netherlands.                 Telephone : (31.40.7)34382

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