X Windows - Fatal Server Bug!

Joel M. Miller jmm at skivs.UUCP
Fri Sep 28 04:23:13 AEST 1990

Recently, I complained that "X" said "can't ioctl()" and "Fatal server bug!"
when I tried to start it up from the CommandShell.

I am pleased to report that, after a few quick email exchanges with Ron Flax
of Apple, the problem is solved.  The problem was that I was shipped an
old (pre-A/UX 2.0) version of X11 by Apple Developers Group, which version
was intended to start-up from the CommandShell, whearas under A/UX 2.0, X11
must be started as a special Login Session Type.  Ron gave me instructions
on how to manually install an X Windows Login Session Type.
Joel M Miller                    Internet: jmm at skivs.ski.org
Smith-Kettlewell Institute       Usenet:   fernwood!skivs!jmm
2232 Webster St                  Bitnet:   jmm%skivs.ski.org at fernwood.mpk.ca.us
San Francisco, CA 94115          Voice:    415/561-1703     Fax: 415/561-1610

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