File & Comm Server?

Kurt Baumann kdb at
Thu Sep 27 06:58:51 AEST 1990

In article <3135 at skivs.UUCP>, jmm at skivs.UUCP (Joel M. Miller) writes:
> I have to set up a unix network in a scientific and administrative
> environment consisting of about 50 stations, some organized into
> workgroups.  We have a lot of PC's and Mac's to connect (Ethernet,
> LocalTalk), and want to support a UUCP domain, IP/SLIP connections,
> dial-up lines, and a modem pool.  A better mail interface than mailx
> would be nice.  What should I look at as file and communication server
> (RS6000/AIX, SparkStation, MacIIfx/AUX, DEC)?
> -- 
> Joel M Miller                    Internet: jmm at
> Smith-Kettlewell Institute       Usenet:   fernwood!skivs!jmm
> 2232 Webster St                  Bitnet: at
> San Francisco, CA 94115          Voice:    415/561-1703     Fax: 415/561-1610

Well for the most part, what you are asking for is a function of the client
software and not the server software.  As for the server, just about any
of those machines would do.  All of them support UUCP, SLIP, etc...  The
only wild card is that with some of these machines it is going to cost you
extra to get that support.  With A/UX SLIP, TCP/IP is part of the package.

On the client side take a look at some of the following software.

HostAccess from Novell basic telnet and ftp.
MacUWS from UB basic telnet, ftp, and mail.
MacAccessPathWay from Wollongong telnet(3270,vt240,tek4014) and ftp.
TCP/Connect II from InterCon Systems telnet(3270.vt240,tek4014), ftp, slip,
snmp, mail(pop/smtp), news reader(nntp).

PD programs:
NCSA Telnet from NCSA - telnet and ftp.
Various varieties of NCSA Telnet with client ftp, SLIP, etc.
A ton of HyperCard Stacks, NewsReader stack from Apple, Mews, etc.
Eudora a mail program from Steve Dorner (?) at the U of Ill.
MacPost a mail program from... (sorry forgot this one).

University only use:
SU-MacIP from Stanford telnet ftp and mail.

I have probably missed something here, but this should give you a good group
to start with.
Kurt Baumann                       InterCon Systems Corporation
703.709.9890                      Creators of fine TCP/IP products
703.709.9896 FAX               for the Macintosh.

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