File & Comm Server?

Joel M. Miller jmm at skivs.UUCP
Mon Sep 24 02:00:15 AEST 1990

I have to set up a unix network in a scientific and administrative
environment consisting of about 50 stations, some organized into
workgroups.  We have a lot of PC's and Mac's to connect (Ethernet,
LocalTalk), and want to support a UUCP domain, IP/SLIP connections,
dial-up lines, and a modem pool.  A better mail interface than mailx
would be nice.  What should I look at as file and communication server
(RS6000/AIX, SparkStation, MacIIfx/AUX, DEC)?
Joel M Miller                    Internet: jmm at
Smith-Kettlewell Institute       Usenet:   fernwood!skivs!jmm
2232 Webster St                  Bitnet: at
San Francisco, CA 94115          Voice:    415/561-1703     Fax: 415/561-1610

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