A/UX 2.0 and ImageWriter LQ

Bruce Barnett barnett at grymoire.crd.ge.com
Wed Sep 19 12:49:54 AEST 1990

In article <44925 at apple.Apple.COM> chuq at Apple.COM (The Wandering Phew) writes:
   >I am somewhat upset to discover that I have to buy an Appletalk board
   >for my ImageWriter LQ. With just a serial connection, I can print Mac
   >documents, but cannot use lpr(1).

>   You do? Why? 

>From "Setting up Accounts and Peripherals for A/UX", Page 3-4

	"You can use any of the ImageWriter printers with A/UX. You
can connect an ImageWriter either with two LocalTalk system connector
kits or with a serial cable. You gain no advantage using one method
over the other, with one exception: if you connect an ImageWriter LQ
with a serial cable you will not be able to use lpr, the A/UX print

This information is also repeated on page 3-7.

Also, you cannot use A/UX with a LaserWriter IISC  (See page 3-2)

I have not verified this, as I don't have my disk yet. If someone
KNOWS that a AppleTalk board is not needed for an LQ, I would
appreciate confirmation.

It's not a big deal, cause the board is about $50. However, I felt
others should know about this "surprise".

I still don't know WHY the LQ and lpr do not work together. 

Bruce G. Barnett	barnett at crd.ge.com	uunet!crdgw1!barnett

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