IIci, A/UX, Color Monitor won't work well?

Jeff Mann mann at intacc.uucp
Wed Sep 19 07:44:26 AEST 1990

I am planning to purchase a Mac IIci to run A/UX, and I have a couple
of questions I would really appreciate some advice on:

Someone told me that if I wanted to use a color monitor, I would have
to get a video card because using the built-in video on the IIci along
with A/UX would overload the system and give poor performance. Can anyone
confirm or deny this?

What is the preferred tape drive to use with such a system? I would like
to be as standard as possible; i.e. be able to order publicly available 
software on tape cartriges (DC600???). The Irwin 5080 80Meg drive was

Is the RAM Cache card worth it for A/UX?  Does anyone know of a good
source of inexpensive large (300 meg +) SCSI drives?

Please reply by e-mail, and I will summarize, thanks.

|  Jeff Mann  Inter/Access Artists' Computer Centre, Toronto  [416] 535-8601 |
| ...uunet!mnetor!intacc!mann   intacc!mann at nexus.yorku.ca  mann at intacc.uucp |
|      The Matrix Artists' Computer Network BBS: [416] 535-7598 2400 8N1     |

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