Few simple A/UX questions

Marc T. Kaufman kaufman at Neon.Stanford.EDU
Tue Sep 11 08:13:33 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep9.202622.21422 at servalan.uucp> rmtodd at servalan.uucp (Richard Todd) writes:
>wolf at mel.cipl.uiowa.edu writes:

->some software bundled with 3rd party drives will not partition correctly for
->A/UX, correct?  If so, why is this and who has the 'good' software.

>Why?  Because despite Apple clearly documenting the format of the "new" format
>partition table in Inside Mac Vol. 5, in various technotes, and in practically
>every publication except the New York Times, there are still vendors so 
>utterly braindead they haven't updated their software to handle the new-style
>partition table.  

That's just not true.  While the major fields of the Partition format were
documented in IM-5, nowhere is there coherent documentation of the flag
fields, the spare sector information, and the A/UX and Eschatology specific
information.  In fact, at A/UX 1.0 time, the MacOS folks didn't know what the
A/UX folks wanted, and vice versa.

Marc Kaufman (kaufman at Neon.stanford.edu)

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