Apple 160mb drive question

Vicki Brown vlb at
Fri Sep 7 11:37:27 AEST 1990

In article <3453 at wrgate.WR.TEK.COM> herbw at midas.WR.TEK.COM (Herb Weiner) writes:
>In article <6046 at memqa.uucp>, qfhca81 at memqa.uucp (Henry Melton) asks:
>> From the books, it seems as if there ought to be a large slice 3
>> partition that I could mount, but it is hiding from me.  I looked in
>> /dev/dsk and /dev/rdsk and there is no c0d0s3 to be found.
>Can anybody from Apple explain WHY these devices are not present?  I had
>the same problem when I installed from CD-ROM to an external disk at
>SCSI 5 (except that /dev/dsk/c5d0s3 was missing and /dev/dsk/c0d0s3
>was present).

It's a bug (in the pname program, to be precise).  In short, when the
autorecovery partitions are filled, the installation uses pname to attach
the partitions temporarily; pname uses slice 3.  It is then too dumb to
realize these slices BELONG on the disk, and deletes the device nodes when
it's through.  Thus, only the slice 3 devices for Your particular SCSI
number disappear.

We know/we've caught this/the next A/UX release Installation won't do it.

   Vicki Brown   A/UX Development Group		Apple Computer, Inc.
   Internet: vlb at			MS 58A, 10440 Bubb Rd.	
   UUCP: {sun,amdahl,decwrl}!apple!vlb		Cupertino, CA  95014 USA
              Ooit'n Normaal Mens Ontmoet?  En..., Beviel't?
          (Did you ever meet a normal person?  Did you enjoy it?)

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