Apple 160mb drive question

Henry Melton qfhca81 at memqa.uucp
Thu Sep 6 01:24:38 AEST 1990

I am in the middle of installing AUX from floppies onto a FX with a 160 mb
apple drive.  I used the standard AUX partitioning and loaded the floppies.
It came up, but a big chunk of my disk has vanished.  From the books,
it seems as if there ought to be a large slice 3 partition that I could mount,
but it is hiding from me.  I looked in /dev/dsk and /dev/rdsk and there is
no c0d0s3 to be found.  I even did a wc on all the c0* devices and confirmed
the sizes of the slice 0 root , the slice 1 swap and the slice 30 MacPartition
and the slice 31 whold disk.  

I then re-inited the disk, repartitioned and reloaded all those floppies
in the hopes that I missed something.  No luck.

Where is it?

Henry Melton  qfhca81 at 
{slow}  qfhca81 at memqa   ..!!execu!sequoia!memqa!qfhca81
{home}  henry at hutto     ..!!hutto!henry

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