2.0 installation, again

Boyd Hays andrea at boulder.Colorado.EDU
Sat Sep 22 13:50:15 AEST 1990

	I'm trying to install A/UX 2.0 on a Quantum 170 MB and am receiving
the following message during the installation process (the screen reads):

Installing basic root files.
Please wait, installation in progress
Disk write c0d0s0 Error: SCSI timeout
Logical block 98608, physical blocks 281728-281735

Obviously, the installation stops at this point.

The drive was just purchased from LaCie and was formatted, by them, with 
Silverlining.  I've tried the installation four times each time with a 
similar message, only the addresses change as I've tried different 
configurations.  I'm using the maximum Mac partition option of Silverlining
and have not modified any of its settings.  I ran the test & map out bad 
sectors and the disk passes this test (I'd hope so LaCie says that they test 
their drives prior to shipment).

A potential problem area is where the installation asks what type of hard disk
I'm using (page 4-9 of the installation instructions).  None of the drives
seem to apply and I've been selecting #5, generic.

I called LaCie and they told me that A/UX 2.0 installs are cookbook and they've
never seen this problem referring me to Apple.  When I spoke with the Apple 
technical support person I was informed that I would need to buy an A/UX 
support license to get an answer to my question or call a dealer and ask for 

The system's configuration is an original Mac II with PMU (A/UX 1.1 runs) with
8MB of memory.

Does anyone know what is wrong?

Boyd Hays

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