2.0 installation, again

David J Sotnick frontah at pawl22.pawl.rpi.edu
Mon Sep 24 14:55:29 AEST 1990

   In article <26741 at boulder.Colorado.EDU> andrea at boulder.Colorado.EDU (Boyd Hays) writes:

> Hello,
>    I'm trying to install A/UX 2.0 on a Quantum 170 MB and am receiving
>    the following message during the installation process (the screen reads):
>     Installing basic root files.
>     Please wait, installation in progress
>     Disk write c0d0s0 Error: SCSI timeout
>     Logical block 98608, physical blocks 281728-281735

>     Obviously, the installation stops at this point.

In article <4'K%GD at rpi.edu> damour at sol.ral.rpi.edu (Kevin Damour) writes:

>>     I have the same configuration as above with a 110 MB drive from
>>   LaCie (purchased over 1 year ago).  Installation on the 170 MB drive
>>   produced the same SCSI timeout error messages followed by a series on
>>   faults on writes to the drive.  I tried the installation on the 110 MB
>>   drive, which was also formatted with SilverLining, and no errors were
>>   produced.I called LaCie last week and will be returning the drive to
>>   them this week for replacement.  Can there be a design error on the
>>   170 MB drive to cause these errors (which are not on the 110 MB) ?
>>       Kevin Damour
>>       damour at ral.rpi.edu

I write:

I have a different configuration, which is:

	Mac IIcx, w/ 5 Mb RAM, 40M Quantum Internal, etc.

I had exactly the same symptoms as the above two people and am asking for
a response from Apple to this problem. I used Silverlining 5.25/11 to init-
ialise a 300 Meg SCSI Drive. I set the partitions for 100 M of Macintosh, 
210 Meg total of A/UX. I am not sure whether this is a problem in the 
driver that Silverlining uses or whether A/UX is accessing SCSI devices in
a strange way.

ANY responses would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

David Sotnick
Disclaimer: I'm innocent of anything.   INTERNET to "frontah at pawl.rpi.edu"
						 or "sotnick at iear.arts.rpi.edu"

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