Bug in Bnews sendbatch.sh with A/UX UUCP (and maybe other SysV UUCPs)

Mike Verstegen mdv at comtst.UUCP
Sat Sep 22 21:23:19 AEST 1990

In article <10491 at panix.UUCP> alexis at panix.UUCP (Alexis Rosen) writes:
>Here's a Bnews bug, and one way to fix it. It's in version 2.11 (2.11.18?)
>The sendbatch is marked as version 1.22, 10/29/89.
>The symptom: News postings never make it off your machine.
>There seems to be a small bug in sendbatch. It tries to figure out how much
>space is being used by a particular UUCP partner's files, in order to prevent
>overflowing the disk. It runs du on /usr/spool/uucp/{your uucp partner}.
[ stuff deleted ]
>Alexis Rosen
>A/UX Victim (but lots happier since 2.0 came out)

Quite coincidentally, we had the same problem here (System V on 3B2) and just
before reading this article, I had fixed it here with a slightly different
solution as shown by the following sendbatch fragment.

: '@(#)sendbatch.sh	1.22	10/29/89'
	if test -n "$MAXBATCH" -a -d /usr/spool/uucp/$rmt
		du=`du "/usr/spool/uucp/$rmt" | sed 's/	.*/000/'`
		if test ! -z "$du" -a \( "$du" -gt $MAXBATCH \)
			echo $rmt already has $du Kbytes queued
	else			# Added MDV 9/22/90: du was not set and caused
		du=0		# error in expr below.

This seems to work here and does not require any manual intervention for
the creation of any directory. Hope this helps.

Mike Verstegen          Domain Systems, Inc           Voice +1 407 686-7911
..!uunet!comtst!mdv     5840 Corporate Way #100       Fax   +1 407 478-2542
mdv at domain.com          West Palm Beach, FL 33407

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