Few simple A/UX questions

wolf at mel.cipl.uiowa.edu wolf at mel.cipl.uiowa.edu
Sun Sep 9 08:15:32 AEST 1990

*** Ignorant User Alert ***

Our department is buying new Macs (ci's) and new workstations (DEC5000's).  We
don't want to cut ourselves short by getting Macd HD's which would not be large
enough for A/UX v(put most recent version number here).  I read through several
notes in this group.  Someone had asked minimum disk size, but non one replied.

I hear 80M is minimum, and 160 is a good size, correct?  Also, I had heard that
some software bundled with 3rd party drives will not partition correctly for
A/UX, correct?  If so, why is this and who has the 'good' software.

I had not seen anything about this, and it will seem a stupid question but, can
any of the files A/UX needs be placed on a unix device (like a DEC5000 disk)?

Any help would be appreciated!

M. Wolf

Dislcaimer?  Heck, I don't even know her!

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