Raw (More or Less) Ethernet Access in A/UX?

Matthias Urlichs urlichs at smurf.sub.org
Fri Apr 12 19:23:47 AEST 1991

In comp.unix.aux, article <13022 at goofy.Apple.COM>,
  ksand at Apple.COM (Kent Sandvik, 120dB or more) writes:
< Funny, I was reading the same stuff today, yes you could dive down all
< the way to the ethernet packet level with the example Ethernet
< device driver. 
Fortunately, you don't need the source to the Ethernet driver to get at the
raw Ether packets. One might, however, need some in-depth documentation as to
how the system interconnects its various networking layers.
Unix source code has proven to be the best such documentation available, but
it's a little hard to get at...

< A word of warning, the A/UX dev. driver kit is for A/UX 2.0, and u_phys
< has changed, and there are some header file changes. It could happen
< that the dev. driver kit works OK with most of the 2.0.1 headers/object
< files, but the object code will link together a 2.0 kernel, and that's
< not exactly what you want for testing on a 2.0.1 system.
I'm using it only to look at code. (I don't think that compiling a 2.0 kernel
with the 2.0.1 headers will work -- I'm not going to try. At worst I might
have to restore from tape and I don't have time for stuff like that!)

Actually, the 1.1 kit has source code for some parts that the 2.0 kit lacks,
like parts of the system initialization procedures.
(I wonder how other people manage to figure out that the Clone streams driver
 has major ID 12...)

For 2.0.1, it seems that there won't be a device driver's kit. Too bad, but I
can live with that if I have to. Your mileage may vary.

Matthias Urlichs -- urlichs at smurf.sub.org -- urlichs at smurf.ira.uka.de     /(o\
Humboldtstrasse 7 - 7500 Karlsruhe 1 - FRG -- +49-721-621127(0700-2330)   \o)/

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