DD under A/UX

Jon Hamilton hamilton at kickapoo.cs.iastate.edu
Fri Apr 12 13:24:52 AEST 1991

I went and saw Guy Kawasaki speak tonight and had the time of my life.  I also
got to see disk doubler in action, and was suitably impressed.  My question to 
you out there:  does it work on a MacOS filesystem under A/UX?  Guy didn't
know (and wouldn't give me a free copy to find out ... grrrr :) )  Has
anybody tried it?  Email responses fine, or a post if you think it's of 
general interest.  Thanks.

Jon Hamilton
hamilton at kickapoo.cs.iastate.edu
 " I feel a lot more like I do now that I did before I got here "
   - can't remember who

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