Scripts to deal with A/UX's buggy UUCP

Matthias Urlichs urlichs at
Sun Apr 7 03:57:02 AEST 1991

In comp.unix.aux, article <1991Apr6.052123.11234 at mitem.uucp>,
  unger at mitem.uucp (Tom Unger) writes:
< I have a program called uugetty that lets one line be used for incomming
< and outgoing modem calls.  uugetty does the following:
< 	1) initializes modem
< 	2) Listens for incomming calls on modem or other traffic on 
< 	   the port.
< 	3) If a call arrives it execs the standard getty to log the user in.
< 	4) If there is other traffic uugetty "gives up" the line  until
< 	   the outbound call is done.  (it knows it is done when the lock
< 	   file goes away).
The standard getty should not initialise the modem. Why? The modem is reset
by DTR going down, and it won't accept calls until DTR comes up again.
(Disclaimer: Any reasonably configured modem ...)

It also shouldn't look at traffic. If the line can be opened, either there was
an incoming call or there's a lock file, i.e. an outgoing call. If the
latter, getty hangs until the lock file goes away and then dies, indirectly
reexecuting itself. (Cleaning up after opening a line that way is a lot of
hassle and definitely not worth the effort.)

There may be a problem because some uucico's first try to dial the phone and
then create a lock file, thus generating a race condition. I don't know if
the A/UX uucico has that bug.
It also seems that the A/UX getty first writes its login message out and
then looks for the lock, instead of the other way round. My uucico therefore
kills the current getty, and /etc/init spawns a small program that waits on
the lock before exec'ing /etc/getty.
NB: The above applies to A/UX 2.0. I haven't checked what, if anything, was
changed in 2.0.1 because the current setup works.

I'll package the UUCP binaries I have into something resembling usablility
and make them available for FTP. Sometime next week.

Matthias Urlichs -- urlichs at -- urlichs at     /(o\
Humboldtstrasse 7 - 7500 Karlsruhe 1 - FRG -- +49-721-621127(0700-2330)   \o)/

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