Scripts to deal with A/UX's buggy UUCP

Greg Andrews gandrews at netcom.COM
Thu Apr 4 09:49:23 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr2.044623.299 at intacc.uucp> mann at intacc.uucp (Jeff Mann) writes:
>4. Therefore, if you are using a Telebit, you can't use auto baud rate
>   adjusting on incoming uucp calls. You must set S50=0 and use the normal
>   method of sending breaks to cycle getty until the proper speed is
>   attained.

That should be S66=0 for unlocking the RS232 speed.  (not S50)

|  Greg Andrews   |       UUCP: {apple,amdahl,claris}!netcom!gandrews    |
|                 |   Internet: gandrews at netcom.COM                      |

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