SCSI (Re: Inits, CDEVs and A/UX 2.0)

Kent Sandvik ksand at Apple.COM
Tue Apr 2 05:27:33 AEST 1991

In article <B+M_L3. at> urlichs at (Matthias Urlichs) writes:
>In comp.unix.aux, article <50924 at apple.Apple.COM>,
>  chuq at Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach, net.god {retired}) writes:
>< domo at (Dominic Dunlop) writes:

>< >>For example SCSIProbe2.01 crashes.

>< As will anything that diddles directly with the hardware or wants to play
>< with the SCSI bus, since neither aciton is allowed by A/UX right now.

>Actually, it's possible to hack rudimentary SCSI support into A/UX.

The _SCSIDispatch trap is not implemented, so anything that tries to
use this trap would have problems.

>The stuff I wrote actually works, but only for playing around; i.e. you can
>use SCSIProbe or SEdit without any problems whatever, but try actually
>installing a driver and the system hangs.

I'm curious to know what traps and parameter blocks you used.

>Debugging SCSI without an appropriate analyzer (and also no terminal to use
>with the kernel debugger, if necessary) is next to impossible.
>I'd like some help from anybody with the appropriate facilities and/or
>expertise, in order to get that bug out...

Try to use the kernel debugger available in A/UX 2.0. Information
about using the debugger should be in the A/UX Dev Driver's manual.

Hope this helps,


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