trouble with 2.0.1 ftp upgrade

Jim Jagielski jim at
Mon Apr 1 23:34:57 AEST 1991

In article <27F3E462.10824 at> rprohask at (Robert Prohaska) writes:
}I've had a bit of trouble with the 2.0.1 upgrade, and hope
}the wisdom of the net can set things right.
}When I call shutdown from command shell the command runs, give
}all the required prompts, and ends with a white screen and the
}line "enter run level"  I tried a few numbers, but no matter
}what I do the machine ends up logging me out, rather than putting
}the mac in the stand alone shell.  
}I ended up doing the upgrade by calling init 1 from commandshell
}and then following the rest of the instructions provided.  The
}only errors were warnings that three files, /mac/bin/startmac,
}/mac/bin/commandshell and one other /mac/bin file couldn't be opened, and one
}file couldn't be created.  The root password was also done away with.
}How does one get aux into "single user mode", and how (or should)
}I fix the errors?
}bob prohaska

Well, first of all, single user mode is "init s" or "init S"... Also, as
far as I can recall, shutdown causes all file systems to be umounted, which
may not be what you want. What I do is login root under Console Emulator mode.
"sync" the system a few times (old habits are hard to break :) then type
"init s" to get to single user mode... wait about a minute or so then type in
"killall", to get rid of all the "stragglers" on the system (depending on
how long you wait between "init s" and "killall", you may be requested to enter
the "run level" again when running "killall"... just enter "s".

That's it... you're in single user mode with ALL file systems still mounted!
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
           Jim Jagielski                    NASA/GSFC, Code 711.1
     jim at               Greenbelt, MD 20771

"Exploding is a perfectly normal medical phenomenon. In many fields of
 medicine nowadays, a dose of dynamite can do a world of good."

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