Inits, CDEVs and A/UX 2.0

Patrick C Beard beard at
Tue Apr 16 19:48:11 AEST 1991

In article <19858 at> bordier at (Jerome Bordier) writes:
#In article <hamilton.670178866 at> hamilton at (Jon Hamilton) writes:
#>anyway, the clock with moire also works.  The screensaver doesn't work
#>properly tho...
#1.  Can anybody point to a screensaver which works ?
#2.  I would like too a screensaver which is active when the LOGIN dialog appears
#on the screen (while I am taking a lunch at the campus restaurant for
#example) -as some other UNIX stations do.

The next version of After Dark is compatible with A/UX 2.0.1 in both the
Login dialog and the Mac32 environment.  Send me e-mail if you are interested
in using After Dark under A/UX.

//  Patrick C. Beard, Software Engineer, Berkeley Systems, Inc.
//                    "Heroes of technology."
//   beard at, d0346 at (ATTN: Patrick)

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