Inits, CDEVs and A/UX 2.0

Jim Jagielski jim at
Fri Apr 5 01:50:05 AEST 1991

In article <12892 at goofy.Apple.COM> jackie at (Jackie Macapanpan) writes:
}In article <19858 at> bordier at (Jerome Bordier) 
}> 1.  Can anybody point to a screensaver which works ?
}> 2.  I would like too a screensaver which is active when the LOGIN dialog 
}> on the screen (while I am taking a lunch at the campus restaurant for
}> example) -as some other UNIX stations do.
}I don't know about A/UX 2.0 but under A/UX 2.0.1 the following dimmers 
}work in the A/UX Finder:
} - After Dark
} - Moire
} - Blackout
} - Pyro!

When I use Moire, as soon as I start my CommandShell window, Moire saves the
screen. Not a major problem, of course :)

(For Info: I Login under Console and then use mac32 to get Mac-like)

#include <std/disclaimer.h>
           Jim Jagielski                    NASA/GSFC, Code 711.1
     jim at               Greenbelt, MD 20771

"Exploding is a perfectly normal medical phenomenon. In many fields of
 medicine nowadays, a dose of dynamite can do a world of good."

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