Scripts to deal with A/UX's buggy UUCP

Jeff Mann mann at intacc.uucp
Thu Apr 11 05:56:27 AEST 1991

In article <D7Q_!R at> urlichs at (Matthias Urlichs) writes:
>In comp.unix.aux, article <1991Apr2.044623.299 at intacc.uucp>,
>  mann at intacc.uucp (Jeff Mann) writes:
>< 4. Therefore, if you are using a Telebit, you can't use auto baud rate
><    adjusting on incoming uucp calls.
>??? Why?
>UUCP defaults to using the g protocol. That protocol defaults to requiring
>less than 256 unacknowledged bytes; both the modem and the A/UX buffers are
>quite capable of storing that many unprocessed characters, therefore there
>can't be any soft overruns, therefore no flow control is necessary.

Ok, right.  We have remote users logging in at 1200 baud for shell
sessions, which needs the flow control (doesn't it?), so I was confused
- if you are only taking uucp calls, then you can use the auto baud

|  Jeff Mann  Inter/Access Artists' Computer Centre, Toronto  [416] 535-8601 |
|  intacc!mann at   Matrix Artists' BBS: [416] 535-7598 2400 8N1 |
| ...uunet!mnetor!intacc!mann  mann at intacc.uucp   [416] 535-1443 Telebit 8N1 |

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