Scripts to deal with A/UX's buggy UUCP

Matthias Urlichs urlichs at
Fri Apr 5 07:52:40 AEST 1991

In comp.unix.aux, article <1991Apr2.044623.299 at intacc.uucp>,
  mann at intacc.uucp (Jeff Mann) writes:
< 1. A/UX (at least with built-in serial ports) doesn't support modem
< control and hardware flow control at the same time.
< 2. You MUST have modem control on an incoming line.
< 3. Therefore, you CAN'T use hardware flow control. Period.
Actually, you could get by with incoming modem control only and rely on
special character sequences like +++ ATH to hang up the modem. The serial
ports even have two input lines. But no, the second isn't supported by A/UX.
:-(   Therefore you're essentially correct.

< 4. Therefore, if you are using a Telebit, you can't use auto baud rate
<    adjusting on incoming uucp calls. You must set S50=0 and use the normal
<    method of sending breaks to cycle getty until the proper speed is
<    attained.
??? Why?

UUCP defaults to using the g protocol. That protocol defaults to requiring
less than 256 unacknowledged bytes; both the modem and the A/UX buffers are
quite capable of storing that many unprocessed characters, therefore there
can't be any soft overruns, therefore no flow control is necessary.

My T2500 here has its interface speed locked to 19200 baud and UUCP-g works
perfectly with all callers (PEP,V.32,V.22bis). No problem.

Now if you want to use different UUCP protocols, you need hardware flow
control. Locking the speed won't really help -- what if your machine is busy
swapping UUCP in and out because you're compiling some big program?

Matthias Urlichs -- urlichs at -- urlichs at     /(o\
Humboldtstrasse 7 - 7500 Karlsruhe 1 - FRG -- +49-721-621127(0700-2330)   \o)/

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