talk problems

Craig Struble cstruble at
Mon Apr 29 04:06:50 AEST 1991

IL> Whenever I try to talk on my machine to another user, I get the
IL> message: [Couldn't bind to control socket : Can't assign requested
IL> address (69)] 
IL> I didn't used to have this problem, and I can't figure out how to
IL> get rid of it. Anybody have any idea? 
IL> Thanks in advance. ira

I had the same problem, then I discovered that I had created a bogus Internet
address (I was experimenting), and named my machine to have that address. 
Little did I know that if you do that without having an Ethernet card, the
network programs get mixed up because they can't send anything out over that
address. The trick is to put your machine's name as the first entry in the
local loop entry in /etc/hosts, like:

#local loop entry toaster localhost loop     # toaster is the name of my machine 

This should allow you to use talk locally.
	See ya later,
Craig Struble                    Sysop of The Toaster (703)951-4308
Va. Tech CS Student		 Mac and A/UX support (Fidonet 1:151/118.1)
cstruble at	 Va. Tech wins 3rd place in the ACM
cstruble at		 International Programming Contest

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