Determining number of memory banks?

David E. Bernholdt bernhold at
Thu Mar 15 09:58:54 AEST 1990

In article <949 at> I wrote:
>Is there any way in software to determine the number of memory banks
>on a given machine?

Thanks to the several people who replied by mail, along with Peter
Klausler, who posted...

The target(1) command does what I want -- and provides more than just
the number of banks.  This command is available in both COS and
UNICOS, as Peter pointed out.  The manual I have implies that it is
not available on a -2, but I don't have access to a unicos -2 to check
it out.

In UNICOS, the data is obtained from the target(2) system call, which
returns the data that target(1) prints out, although the structure
isn't documented in the man page.  looking at the include file
<sys/target.h> shows what the structure is, and so it is possible to
easily obtain this info from a running program with a system call.
(although the "primary machine type" it gives is a very large integer
number, and I don't know how to interpret it -- not that its so important)

On COS, I'm sure there is an equivalent system call, but checking
the few manuals I have for COS revealed nothing useful.

I have no idea what they do in CTSS.

Thanks again.
David Bernholdt			bernhold at
Quantum Theory Project		bernhold at ufpine.bitnet
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL  32611		904/392 6365

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