The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 2 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
eric at
Fri Jan 4 08:02:01 AEST 1991
---- Cut Here and unpack ----
# This is a shell archive (shar 3.10)
# made 01/03/1991 21:01 UTC by eric at
# Source directory /usr2/eric/jargon
# existing files WILL be overwritten
# This shar contains:
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# 53856 -rw-r--r-- jsplit.ab
touch 2>&1 | fgrep '[-amc]' > /tmp/s3_touch$$
if [ -s /tmp/s3_touch$$ ]
rm -f /tmp/s3_touch$$
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sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > jsplit.ab &&
X writing the assemblers that will be used to write the compiler back
X ends that will give the new machine a real development environment.
X 2. The same phrase is also used to describe a style of
X <hand-hacking> that relies on bit-level peculiarities of a
X particular hardware design, esp. tricks for speed and space
X optimization that rely on crocks like overlapping opcodes (or, in
X one famous case, interleaving of opcodes on a magnetic drum to
X minimize fetch delays due to the device's rotational latency).
X This sort of thing has become less common as the relative costs of
X programming time and machine resources have changed, but is still
X found in heavily constrained environments like industrial embedded
X systems. See <real programmer>.
X<barf> /barf/ [from mainstream slang meaning "vomit"] 1. interj.
X Term of disgust. See <bletch>. 2. To say "Barf!" or emit some
X similar expression of disgust. 3. vi. To fail to work because of
X unacceptable input. May mean to give an error message. Examples:
X "The division operation barfs if you try to divide by zero."
X (that is, division by zero fails in some unspecified spectacular
X way) "The text editor barfs if you try to read in a new file
X before writing out the old one." 4. Also <barfulous>,
X <barfucious>: adj. Said of something which would make anyone barf,
X if only for aesthetic reasons. See <choke>, <gag>. Note that in
X Commonwealth English, "barf" is generally replaced by "puke" or
X "vom". <barf> is sometimes also used as a metasyntactic variable
X like <foo> or <bar>.
X<baroque> adj. Feature-encrusted; complex; gaudy; verging on
X excessive. Said of hardware or (esp.) software designs, this has
X many of the connotations of <elephantine> or <monstrosity> but is
X less extreme and not pejorative in itself.
X<baud barf> /bawd barf/ n. The garbage one gets on the monitor when
X using a modem connection with some protocol setting (esp. line
X speed) incorrect, or when someone picks up a voice extension on the
X same line, or when really bad line noise disrupts the connection.
X Baud barf is not completely <random>, by the way; hackers with a
X lot of serial-line experience can usually tell whether the device
X at the other end is expecting a higher or lower speed than the
X terminal is set to. *Really* experienced ones can identify
X particular speeds.
X<baz> /baz/ 1. The third metasyntactic variable, after <foo> and <bar>
X and before <qux>. "Suppose we have three functions FOO, BAR, and
X BAZ. FOO calls BAR, which calls BAZ..." 2. interj. Term of mild
X annoyance. In this usage the term is often drawn out for two or
X three seconds, producing an effect not unlike the bleating of a
X sheep; /baaaaaaz/. 3. Occasionally appended to <foo> to produce
X<beam> [from Star Trek Classic's "Beam me up, Scotty!"] vt. To
X transfer <softcopy> of a file electronically; most often in
X combining forms such as "beam me a copy" or "beam that over to
X his site". Compare <blast>, <snarf>, <BLT>.
X<beep> n.,v. Syn. <feep>. This term seems to be preferred among micro
X hobbyists.
X<bells and whistles> [by analogy with steam calliopes] n. Features
X added to a program or system to make it more <flavorful> from a
X hacker's point of view, without necessarily adding to its utility
X for its primary function. Distinguished from <chrome> which is
X intended to attract users. "Now that we've got the basic program
X working, let's go back and add some bells and whistles." However,
X no one seems to know what distinguishes a bell from a whistle.
X<benchmark> n. An inaccurate measure of computer performance. "In
X the computer industry, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damn
X lies, and benchmarks." Well known ones include Dhrystone,
X Whetstone, Rhealstone (see <h infix>) and LINPACK. See also
X <machoflops>, <MIPS>.
X<berklix> /ber'kliks/ n.,adj. Contraction of Berkeley UNIX. See
X <BSD>. Not used at Berkeley itself. May be more common among
X <suits> attempting to sound like cognoscenti than hackers, who
X usually just say `BSD'.
X<Berzerkely> [from "berserk"] /b at r-zer'klee/ [from the name of a
X now-deceased record label] n. Humorous, distortion of "Berkeley"
X used esp. to refer to the practices or products of the <BSD> UNIX
X hackers. See <software bloat>, <Missed'em-five>.
X<beta> /bay'-ta/ n. 1. In the <Real World> software often goes through
X two stages of testing: Alpha (in-house) and Beta (out-house?).
X Software is said to be "in beta". 2. Beta software is
X notoriously buggy, hence anything that is new and experimental is
X "in beta". As in, "His girlfriend is in beta".
X<BFI> n. See <brute force and ignorance>.
X<bible> n. As used by hackers, usually refers to one of a small number
X of fundamental source books including <Knuth> or <K&R>.
X<biff> /bif/ [USENET] n. The most famous <pseudo>, and the
X prototypical <newbie>. Articles from BIFF are characterized by all
X upper case letters sprinkled liberally with bangs, typos, "cute"
X long <sig block> (sometimes even a <doubled sig>), and unbounded
X naivete. BIFF posts articles using his elder brother's VIC-20.
X BIFF's location is a mystery, as his articles appear to come from a
X variety of sites. However, BITNET seems to be the most frequent
X origin. The theory that BIFF is a denizen of BITNET is supported
X by BIFF's (unfortunately invalid) electronic mail address:
X BIFF at BIT.NET. See also <doubled sig>.
X<biff> v. To notify someone of incoming mail; from the BSD utility
X `biff(1)' which was in turn named after the implementor's dog.
X<big-endian> [From Swift's `Gulliver's Travels' via a famous 1980
X paper `On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace' by Danny Cohen] adj.
X Describes a computer architecture in which, within a given 16- or
X 32-bit word, lower byte addresses have higher significance (the
X word is stored `big-end-first'). Most processors including the IBM
X 370 family and the <PDP-10> and Motorola microprocessor families
X and most of the various RISC designs current in 1990 are
X big-endian. See <little-endian>, <middle-endian>, <NUXI problem>.
X<Big Grey Wall> n. What greets a <VMS> user searching for
X documentation. A full VMS kit comes on a pallet, the documentation
X taking up around 15 feet of shelf space before adding layered
X products such as compilers, databases, multivendor networking,
X programming tools etc. Recent (since VMS V5) DEC documentation
X comes with grey binders; under VMS V4 the binders were orange
X ("big orange wall"), under V3 they were blue. See <VMS>.
X<big iron> n. Large, expensive, ultra-fast computers. Used generally
X of number crunching supercomputers such as Crays, but can include
X more conventional big commercial IBMish mainframes. Term of
X approval; compare <heavy metal>, oppose <dinosaur>.
X<big red switch> [IBM] n. The power switch on a computer, esp. on an
X IBM-PC where it really is large and red. "This !@%$% <bitty box>
X is hung again, time to hit the big red switch." Sources at IBM
X report that, in tune with the company's passion for <TLA>s
X this is often acronymized as "BRS".
X<bignum> /big'num/ [orig. from MIT MACLISP; the name is said to derive
X from a pun on the FORTRAN REAL type] n. 1. A multiple-precision
X computer representation for very large integers. More generally,
X any very large number. "Have you ever looked at the United States
X Budget? There's bignums for you!"
X Most computer languages provide a kind of data called "integer",
X but such computer integers are usually very limited in size;
X usually they must be smaller than 2 ^ 31 (2147483648) or (on a
X losing <bitty box>) 2 ^ 15 (32767). If you want to work with
X numbers larger than that, you have to use floating-point numbers,
X which are usually only accurate to six or seven decimal places.
X Computer languages that provide bignums can perform exact
X calculations on very large numbers, such as 1000! (the factorial of
X 1000, which is 1000 times 999 times 998 times ... times 2 times 1)
X exactly. For example, this value for 1000! was computed by the
X MACLISP system using bignums:
X 4023872600770937735437024339230039857193748642107146325437999104
X 2993851239862902059204420848696940480047998861019719605863166687
X 2994808558901323829669944590997424504087073759918823627727188732
X 5197795059509952761208749754624970436014182780946464962910563938
X 8743788648733711918104582578364784997701247663288983595573543251
X 3185323958463075557409114262417474349347553428646576611667797396
X 6688202912073791438537195882498081268678383745597317461360853795
X 3452422158659320192809087829730843139284440328123155861103697680
X 1357304216168747609675871348312025478589320767169132448426236131
X 4125087802080002616831510273418279777047846358681701643650241536
X 9139828126481021309276124489635992870511496497541990934222156683
X 2572080821333186116811553615836546984046708975602900950537616475
X 8477284218896796462449451607653534081989013854424879849599533191
X 0172335555660213945039973628075013783761530712776192684903435262
X 5200015888535147331611702103968175921510907788019393178114194545
X 2572238655414610628921879602238389714760885062768629671466746975
X 6291123408243920816015378088989396451826324367161676217916890977
X 9911903754031274622289988005195444414282012187361745992642956581
X 7466283029555702990243241531816172104658320367869061172601587835
X 2075151628422554026517048330422614397428693306169089796848259012
X 5458327168226458066526769958652682272807075781391858178889652208
X 1643483448259932660433676601769996128318607883861502794659551311
X 5655203609398818061213855860030143569452722420634463179746059468
X 2573103790084024432438465657245014402821885252470935190620929023
X 1364932734975655139587205596542287497740114133469627154228458623
X 7738753823048386568897646192738381490014076731044664025989949022
X 2221765904339901886018566526485061799702356193897017860040811889
X 7299183110211712298459016419210688843871218556461249607987229085
X 1929681937238864261483965738229112312502418664935314397013742853
X 1926649875337218940694281434118520158014123344828015051399694290
X 1534830776445690990731524332782882698646027898643211390835062170
X 9500259738986355427719674282224875758676575234422020757363056949
X 8825087968928162753848863396909959826280956121450994871701244516
X 4612603790293091208890869420285106401821543994571568059418727489
X 9809425474217358240106367740459574178516082923013535808184009699
X 6372524230560855903700624271243416909004153690105933983835777939
X 4109700277534720000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
X 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
X 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
X 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
X 00000000.
X 2. BIGNUMS [from Macsyma] n. In backgammon, large numbers on the
X dice, especially a roll of double fives or double sixes. See also
X <El Camino Bignum>.
X<bit> [from the unit of information] n. 1. The unit of information;
X the amount of information obtained by asking a yes-or-no question
X (this is straight technicalese). 2. A computational quantity that
X can take on one of two values, such as true and false, or zero and
X one. 3. A mental flag: a reminder that something should be done
X eventually. Example: "I have a bit set for you." (I haven't seen
X you for a while, and I'm supposed to tell or ask you something.) A
X bit is said to be "set" if its value is true or one, and
X "reset" or "clear" if its value is false or zero. One speaks
X of setting and clearing bits. To "toggle" or "invert" a bit is
X to change it, either from zero to one or from one to zero.
X<bit bang> n. Transmission of data on a serial line accomplished by
X rapidly tweaking a single output bit at the appropriate times
X (popular on certain early models of Prime computers, presumably
X when UARTs were too expensive; and on archaic Z-80 micros with a
X Zilog PIO but no SIO). The technique is a simple loop with eight
X OUT, SHIFT, OUT etc. instructions for each byte. Input is more
X interesting. And full duplex (doing input and output at the same
X time) is one way to separate the real hackers from the wannabees.
X<bit bashing> n. (also, "bit diddling" or "bit twiddling") Term
X used to describe any of several kinds of low-level programming
X characterized by manipulation of <bit>, <flag>, <nybble> and other
X smaller-than-character sized pieces of data: these include
X low-level device control, encryption algorithms, checksum and
X error-correcting codes, hash functions, some flavors of graphics
X programming (see <bitblt>), and assembler/compiler code generation.
X May connote either tedium or a real technical challenge (more
X usually the former)."The command decoding for the new tape driver
X looks pretty solid but the bit-bashing for the control registers
X still has bugs." See also <bit bang>.
X<bit bucket> n. The great data sink in the sky (originally, the
X mythical receptacle used to catch bits when they fall off the end
X of a register during a shift instruction). Data that is discarded,
X lost, or destroyed is said to "go to the bit bucket". On <UNIX>,
X often used for </dev/null>. Sometimes amplified as "the Great Bit
X Bucket in the Sky". This term is used purely in jest. It's based
X on the fanciful notion that bits are objects that are not
X destroyed, but only misplaced. See also <null device>.
X<bit decay> n. See <software rot>. People with a physics background
X tend to prefer this one for the analogy with particle decay.
X<bit rot> n. See <software rot>.
X<bitblt> /bit'blit/ or /bit'belt/ n. [from <BLT>, q.v.] 1. Any of a
X closely related family of algorithms for moving and copying
X rectangles of bits between main and display memory on a bit-mapped
X device, or between two areas of either main or display memory (the
X requirement to do the Right Thing in the case of overlapping source
X and destination rectangles is what makes BitBlt tricky). 2.
X Synonym for <blit> or <BLT>
X<bits> n. 1. Information. Examples: "I need some bits about file
X formats." ("I need to know about file formats.") Compare <core
X dump>, sense #4. 2. Machine-readable representation of a document,
X specifically as contrasted with paper. "I only have a photocopy
X of the Jargon File; does anyone know where I can get the bits?".
X See <softcopy>. 3. Also in <the source of all good bits> n. A
X person from whom (or a place from which) information may be
X obtained. If you need to know about a program, a <wizard> might be
X the source of all good bits. The title is often applied to a
X particularly competent secretary.
X<bitty box> /bit'ee boks/ n. 1. A computer sufficiently small,
X primitive or incapable as to cause a hacker acute claustrophobia at
X the thought of developing for it. Especially used of small,
X obsolescent, single-tasking-only personal machines like the Atari
X 800, Osborne, Sinclair, VIC-20, or TRS-80. 2. More generally, the
X opposite of `real computer' (see <Get a real computer!>).
X Pejorative. See also <mess-dos>, <toaster>, and <toy>.
X<bixie> /biks'ee/ n. Synonym for <emoticon> used on BIX (the Byte
X Information Exchange); BIXers believe (probably incorrectly) the
X emoticon was invented there.
X<black art> n. A collection of arcane, unpublished, and (by
X implication) mostly ad-hoc techniques developed for a particular
X application or systems area. VLSI design and compiler code
X optimization were (in their beginnings) considered classic examples
X of black art; as theory developed they became <deep magic>, and
X once standard textbooks had been written became merely <heavy
X wizardry>. The huge proliferation of formal and informal channels
X for spreading around new computer-related technologies during the
X last twenty years has made both the term "black art" and what it
X describes less common than formerly. See also <voodoo
X programming>.
X<black hole> n. When a piece of email or netnews disappears
X mysteriously between its origin and destination sites (that is,
X without returning a <bounce message>) it is commonly said to have
X "fallen into a black hole". Similarly, one might say "I think
X there's a black hole at foovax!" to convey suspicion that site
X foovax has been dropping a lot of stuff on the floor lately (see
X <drop on the floor>). The implied metaphor of email as
X interstellar travel is interesting in itself.
X<blast> vt.,n. Synonym for <BLT>, used esp. for large data sends over
X a network or comm line. Opposite of <snarf>. Usage: uncommon.
X The variant `blat' has been reported. 2. v. [HP/Apollo] Synonymous
X with <nuke> (sense #3). Sometimes the message "Unable to kill all
X processes. Blast them (y/n)?" would appear in the command window
X upon logout.
X<blazer> n. Nickname for the Telebit Trailblazer, an expensive but
X extremely reliable and effective high-speed modem, popular at UNIX
X sites that pass large volumes of <email> and <USENET> news.
X<bletch> /blech/ [from Yiddish/German "brechen", to vomit] 1.
X interj. Term of disgust.
X<bletcherous> /blech'@-rus/ adj. Disgusting in design or function;
X aesthetically unappealing. This word is seldom used of people.
X "This keyboard is bletcherous!" (Perhaps the keys don't work very
X well, or are misplaced). See <losing>, <cretinous>, <bagbiter>,
X <bogus>, and <random>. <bletcherous> applies to the aesthetics of
X the thing so described; similarly for <cretinous>. By contrast,
X something that is <losing> or <cretinous> may be failing to meet
X objective criteria. See <bogus> and <random>, which have richer
X and wider shades of meaning than any of the above.
X<blinkenlights> /blink'@n-lietz/ n. Front-panel diagnostic lights on
X a mainframe CPU. Derives from the last word of the famous
X blackletter-Gothic "ACHTUNG! ALLES LOOKENSPEEPERS!" notice in
X mangled pseudo-German that once graced about half the computer
X rooms in the English-speaking world. The sign in its entiretu ran:
X Das computermachine ist nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben.
X Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken
X mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken bei das dumpkopfen.
X Das rubbernecken sichtseeren keepen hans in das pockets muss;
X relaxen und watch das blinkenlichten.
X This silliness dates back at least as far as 1959 at Stanford
X University and had already gone international by the early '60s,
X when it was reported at London University's ATLAS computing site.
X There are several variants of it in circulation, some of which
X actually do end with the word `blinkenlights';. It is reported, by
X the way, that an analogous travesty in mangled English is posted in
X German computer laboratories.
X<blit> /blit/ vt. 1. To copy a large array of bits from one part of a
X computer's memory to another part, particularly when the memory is
X being used to determine what is shown on a display screen. "The
X storage allocator picks through the table and copies the good parts
X up into high memory, and at the end BLITs it all back down again."
X See <bitblt>, <BLT>, <DD>, <cat>, <blast>, <snarf>. More
X generally, to perform some operation (such as toggling) on a large
X array of bits while moving them. 2. An early experimental
X bit-mapped terminal designed by Rob Pike at Bell Labs, later
X commercialized as the AT&T 5620.
X<block> [From computer science usage] 1. vi. To delay while waiting
X for something. "We're blocking until everyone gets here." 2. in
X <block on> vt. To block, waiting for (something). "Lunch is
X blocked on Phil's arrival."
X<block transfer computations> n. From the Dr. Who television series:
X in the show, it referred to computations so fiendishly subtle and
X complex that they could not be performed by machines. Used to
X refer to any task that should be expressible as an algorithm in
X theory, but isn't.
X<blow away> vt. To remove files and directories from permanent storage
X with extreme prejudice, generally by accident. Oppose <nuke>.
X<blow out> vi. Of software, to fail spectacularly; almost as serious
X as <crash and burn>. See <blow past>.
X<blow past> vi. To <blow out> despite a safeguard. "The server blew
X past the 5K reserve buffer."
X<blow up> vi. [scientific computation] To become unstable. Suggests
X that the computation is diverging so rapidly that it will soon
X either overflow or at least go <nonlinear>.
X<blt> /bee ell tee/ or (rarely) /belt/ n.,v. 1. Synonym for <blit>.
X This is the original form of <blit> and the ancestor of <bitblt>.
X In these versions the usage has outlasted the <PDP-10> BLock
X Transfer instruction for which <BLT> derives; nowadays, the
X assembler mnemonic <BLT> almost always means `Branch if Less Than
X Zero'.
X<Blue Book> n. 1. Informal name for one of the three standard
X references on the page-layout and graphics-control language
X PostScript (`PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook', Adobe
X Systems, Addison-Wesley 1985, QA76.73.P67P68, ISBN 0-201-10179-3);
X the other two official guides are known as the <Green Book> and
X <Red Book>. 2. `Smalltalk-80: The Language and its
X Implementation'. David Robson, Addison-Wesley 1983, QA76.8.S635G64,
X ISBN 0-201-11371-63 (this is also associated with green and red
X books). 3. Any of the 1988 standards issues by the CCIT 9th
X plenary assembly. Until now, they have changed color each review
X cycle (1984 was <Red Book>, 1992 would be <Green Book>); however,
X it is rumored that this convention is going to be dropped befor
X 1992. These include, among other things, the X.400 email spec and
X the Group 1 through 4 fax standards. See also <Red Book>, <Green
X Book>, <Silver Book>, <Purple Book>, <Orange Book>, <White Book>,
X <Pink-Shirt Book>, <Dragon Book>, <Aluminum Book>.
X<Blue Glue> [IBM] n. IBM's SNA (Systems Network Architecture) an
X incredibly losing and bletcherous protocol suite widely favored at
X commercial shops that don't know any better. See <fear and
X loathing>. It may not be irrelevant that <Blue Glue> is the trade
X name of a 3M product that is commonly used to hold down the carpet
X squares to the removable panel floors so common in computer
X installations. A correspondent at U.Minn. reports that the CS dept
X there has about 80 bottles of Blue Glue hanging about, so they
X often refer to any messy work to be done `using the blue glue".
X<blue goo> n. Term for "police" <nanobot>s intended to prevent <gray
X goo>, denature hazardous waste, destroy pollution, put ozone back
X into the stratosphere, prevent halitosis, and to promote truth,
X justice, and the American way, etc., etc. See <nanotechnology>.
X<BNF> /bee-en-ef/ n. 1. Acronym for `Backus-Naur Form', a
X metasyntactic notation used to specify the syntax of programming
X languages, command sets and the like. Widely used for language
X descriptions but seldom documented anywhere, so that it must
X usually be learned by osmosis from other hackers. Consider this
X BNF for a postal address:
X <postal-address> ::= <name-part> <street-address> <zip-part>
X <name-part> ::= <first-name> [<middle-part>] <last-name>
X <middle-part> ::= <middle-name> | <middle-initial> "."
X <street-address> ::= [<apt>] <street-number> <street-name>
X <zip-part> ::= <town-name> "," <state-code> <zip-code>
X This translates into English as: A postal-address consists of a
X name-part, followed by a street-address part, followed by a
X zip-code part. A name-part consists of a first-name followed by an
X optional middle-part followed by a last-name. A middle-part
X consists of either a middle name or a middle initial followed by a
X dot. A street address consists of an optional apartment specifier
X followed by a street number, followed by a street name. A zip-part
X consts of a town-name, followed by a state code, followed by a zip
X code. Note that many things such as the format of a first-name,
X apartment specifier or zip-code are left unspecified. These are
X presumed to be obvious from context or detailed in another part of
X the specification the BNF is part of. See also <PARSE>.
X A major reason BNF is listed here is that the term is also used
X loosely for any similar notation, possibly containing some or all
X of the <GLOB> wildcards.
X 2. In <SCIENCE-FICTION FANDOM> BNF expands to `Big Name Fan'
X (someone famous or notorious). Years ago a fan started handing out
X black-on-green BNF buttons at SF conventions. This confused the
X hacker contingent terribly.
X<boa> [IBM] n. Any one of the fat cables that lurk under the floor in
X a <dinosaur pen>. It is rumored within IBM that 370 channel cables
X are limited to 200 feet because beyond that length the boas get
X dangerous...
X<boat anchor> n. Like <doorstop> but more severe, implies that the
X offending hardware is irreversibly dead or useless.
X<bogometer> n. See <bogosity>.
X<bogon> /boh'gon/ [by analogy with proton/electron/neutron, but
X doubtless reinforced after 1980 by the similarity to Douglas
X Adams's "Vogons", see Appendix C] n. 1. The elementary particle
X of bogosity (see <quantum bogodynamics>). For instance, "the
X ethernet is emitting bogons again", meaning that it is broken or
X acting in an erratic or bogus fashion. 2. A query packet sent from
X a TCP/IP domain resolver to a root server, having the reply bit set
X instead of the query bit. 3. Any bogus or incorrectly formed
X packet sent on a network. 4. By extension, used to refer
X metasyntactically to any bogus thing, as in "I'd like to go to
X lunch with you but I've got to go to the weekly staff bogon." 5. A
X person who is bogus or who says bogus things. This was
X historically the original usage, but has been overtaken by its
X derivatives in 1-4.
X<bogon filter> /boh'gon fil'tr/ n. Any device, software or hardware,
X which limits or suppresses the flow and/or emission of bogons.
X Example: "Engineering hacked a bogon filter between the Cray and
X the VAXen and now we're getting fewer dropped packets."
X<bogosity> /boh-go's at -tee/ n. 1. The degree to which something is
X <bogus>. At CMU, bogosity is measured with a <bogometer>; typical
X use: in a seminar, when a speaker says something bogus, a listener
X might raise his hand and say, "My bogometer just triggered". 2.
X The potential field generated by a bogon flux; see <quantum
X bogodynamics>.
X<bogotify> /boh-go't at -fie/ vt. To make or become bogus. A program
X that has been changed so many times as to become completely
X disorganized has become bogotified. If you tighten a nut too hard
X and strip the threads on the bolt, the bolt has become bogotified
X and you'd better not use it any more. This coinage led to the
X notional <autobogotiphobia> (aw'to-boh-got'@-foh`bee-uh) n.,
X defined as the fear of becoming bogotified; but is not clear that
X the latter has ever been `live' slang rather than a self-conscious
X joke in jargon about jargon.
X<bogue out> /bohg owt/ vi. to becomes bogus, suddenly and
X unexpectedly. "His talk was relatively sane until somebody asked
X him a trick question, then he bogued out and did nothing but
X <flame> afterwards."
X<bogus> [WPI, Yale, Stanford] adj. 1. Non-functional. "Your patches
X are bogus." 2. Useless. "OPCON is a bogus program." 3.
X False. "Your arguments are bogus." 4. Incorrect. "That
X algorithm is bogus." 5. Unbelievable. "You claim to have solved
X the halting problem for Turing Machines? That's totally bogus."
X 6. Silly. "Stop writing those bogus sagas." Astrology is bogus.
X So is a bolt that is obviously about to break. So is someone who
X makes blatantly false claims to have solved a scientific problem.
X (This word seems to have some, but not all, of the connotations of
X <random>.)
X [Etymological note: "Bogus" was originally used in the hackish
X sense at Princeton, in the late 60s. It was used not particularly
X in the CS department, but all over campus. It came to Yale, where
X one of us (Lehman) was an undergraduate, and (we assume) elsewhere
X through the efforts of Princeton alumni who brought the word with
X them from their alma mater. In the Yale case, the alumnus is
X Michael Shamos, who was a graduate student at Yale and is now a
X faculty member here. A glossary of bogus words was compiled at
X Yale when the word was first popularized (see <autobogotiphobia>
X under <bogotify>). By the mid-1980s it was also current in
X something like the hackish sense in West Coast teen slang]
X Further note: A correspondent at Cambridge claims these uses of
X bogus grate on British nerves; in Britain the word means rather
X specifically `counterfeit' as in "a bogus pound note".
X<Bohr bug> /bohr buhg/ [from quantum physics] n. A repeatable <bug>;
X one which manifests reliably under a possibly unknown but
X well-defined set of conditions. Antonym of <heisenbug>.
X<boink> /boynk/ [USENET] 1. To have sex with; compare <bounce>, sense
X #3. In Commonwealth English this the variant "bonk" is more
X common. 2. After the original Peter Korn "Boinkon" <USENET>
X parties, used for almost any net social gathering, e.g. Miniboink,
X a small boink held by Nancy Gillett in 1988; Minniboink, a Boinkcon
X in Minnesota in 1989; Humpdayboinks, Wednesday get-togethers held
X in the San Francisco Bay Area. Compare <@-party>.
X<bomb> vi. 1. General synonym for <crash>, esp. used of software or OS
X failures. "Don't run Empire with less than 32K stack, it'll bomb
X out" 2. Atari ST and Macintosh equivalents of <panic> or <guru>
X (sense 2), where icons of little black-powder bombs or mushroom
X clouds are displayed indicating the system has died. On the Mac
X this may be accompanied by a hexadecimal number indicating what
X went wrong, similar to the Amiga GURU MEDITION number. <Mess-dos>
X machines tend to get <locked up> in this situation.
X<bondage-and-discipline language> A language such as Pascal, APL, or
X Prolog that, though ostensibly general-purpose, is designed so as
X to enforce an author's theory of "right programming" even though
X said theory is demonstrably inadequate for systems or even vanilla
X general-purpose programming. Often abbreviated "B&D"; thus, one
X may speak of things "having the B&D nature" etc. See <Languages
X of Choice>.
X<bonk/oif> interj. On some <MUD> versions, a `:bonk' command allows
X one to express pique or censure; you give it a target name, and the
X message everyone sees is of the form `Foo bonks bar'. There is a
X convention that one should acknowledge a bonk by saying `oif!' and
X a myth to the effect that failing to do so upsets the cosmic
X bonk/oif balance, causing much trouble in the universe. See also
X <talk mode>.
X<boot> [from "by one's bootstraps"] vi.,n. To load and initialize
X the operating system on a machine. This usage is no longer slang
X (having become jargon in the strict sense), but it is sometimes
X used of human thought processes, as in the following exchange:
X "You've lost me." "O.K., reboot. Here's the theory...". Also
X found in the variants "cold boot" (from power-off condition) and
X "warm boot" (with the CPU and all devices already powered up, as
X after a hardware reset or software crash).
X<bottleneck> adj. 1. Used by hackers specifically to describe hardware
X under which performance is usually limited by contention for one
X particular resource (such as disk, memory or processor <clocks>);
X the opposite condition is called `balanced', which is more jargon
X in the strict sense and may be found in technical dictionaries. 2.
X Less often, applied to the software analogue of sense #1, a slow
X code section or algorithm through which all computation must pass
X (see also <hot spot>).
X<bounce> v. 1. [UNIX, perhaps from "to bounce a check"] An
X electronic mail message which is undeliverable and returns an error
X notification to the sender is said to `bounce'. See also <bounce
X message>. 2. [Stanford] To play volleyball. At one time there was
X a volleyball court next to the computer laboratory. From 5:00 PM
X to 7:00 PM was the scheduled maintenance time for the computer, so
X every afternoon at 5:00 the computer would become unavailable, and
X over the intercom a voice would cry , "Bounce, bounce!" 3. To
X engage in sexual intercourse; prob. fr. the expression "bouncing
X the mattress", but influenced by Piglet's psychosexually-loaded
X "Bounce on me too, Tigger!" from the Winnie the Pooh books. 4.
X To casually reboot a system in order to clear up a transient
X problem. Reported primarily among <VMS> users.
X<bounce message> [UNIX] n. Notification message returned to sender by
X a site unable to relay <email> to the intended <Internet address>
X recipient or the next link in a <bang path> (see <bounce>).
X Reasons might include a nonexistent or misspelled username or a
X down relay site. Bounce messages can themselves fail, with
X occasionally ugly results; see <sorcerer's apprentice mode>.
X<box> [within IBM] n. Without qualification but within an SNA-using
X site, this refers specifically to an IBM front-end processor or
X FEP. An FEP is a small computer necessary to enable an IBM
X mainframe to communicate beyond the limits of the <dinosaur pen>.
X Typically used in expressions like the cry that goes up when an SNA
X network goes down, "Looks like the <box> has <fallen over>." See
X also <IBM>, <fear and loathing>, <Blue Glue>.
X<boxen> /bok'sn/ pl n. [by analogy with <VAXen>] Fanciful plural of
X `box' often encountered in the phrase `UNIX boxen', used to
X describe commodity <UNIX> hardware. The implication is that any
X two UNIX boxen are interchangeable.
X<brain-damaged> [generalization of "Honeywell Brain Damage" (HBD), a
X theoretical disease invented to explain certain utter cretinisms in
X Honeywell <Multics>] adj. Obviously wrong; <cretinous>;
X <demented>. There is an implication that the person responsible
X must have suffered brain damage, because he should have known
X better. Calling something brain-damaged is really bad; it also
X implies it is unusable, and that its failure to work is due to poor
X design rather than some accident.
X<brain-dead> adj. Brain-damaged in the extreme. Not quite like
X mainstream use, as it tends to imply terminal design failure rather
X than malfunction or simple stupidity.
X<brain dump> [Sun] n. Comprehensive exchange of knowledge between
X people. "Let's get together for a brain dump before you take
X off." At Sun, this is also known as `TOI' (transfer of
X information).
X<braino> /bray'no/ n. Syn. for <thinko>.
X<branch to Fishkill> [IBM, from the location of one of their
X facilities] n. Any unexpected jump in a program that produces
X catastrophic or just plain weird results. See <hyperspace>.
X<break> v. 1. To cause to be broken (in any sense). "Your latest
X patch to the editor broke the paragraph commands." 2. (of a
X program) To stop temporarily, so that it may be examined for
X debugging purposes. The place where it stops is a "breakpoint".
X 3. To send an RS-232 "break" (125 msec. of line high) over a
X serial comm line. 4. [UNIX] To strike whatever key currently causes
X the tty driver to send SIGINT to the current process. Normally
X "break" (sense 3) or delete does this.
X<breakage> [IBM] n. The extra people that must be added to an
X organization because its master plan has changed; used esp. of
X software and hardware development teams.
X<brittle> adj. Said of software that's functional but easily broken by
X changes in operating environment or configuration. Often describes
X the results of a research effort that were never intended to be
X robust, but can be applied to commercially developed software.
X Oppose <robust>.
X<broadcast storm> n. An incorrect packet broadcast on a network that
X causes most hosts to respond all at once, typically with wrong
X answers that start the process over again. Also called <network
X meltdown>. See also <Chernobyl packet>.
X<broken> adj. 1. Not working properly (of programs). 2. Behaving
X strangely; especially (of people), exhibiting extreme depression.
X<broket> /broh'k at t/ or /broh'ket/ [by analogy with "bracket": a
X "broken bracket"] n. Either of the characters "<" and ">".
X This word originated as a contraction of the phrase "broken
X bracket", that is, a bracket that is bent in the middle. (At MIT,
X and apparently in <Real World> as well, these are usually called
X <angle brackets>.)
X<brute force> adj. Describes a certain kind of primitive programming
X style; broadly speaking, one which ignores scaling problems and
X applies naive methods suited to small problems directly to large
X ones. An example of a brute-force program is one that sorts a
X thousand numbers by examining them all, picking the smallest one,
X and saving it in another table; then examining all the numbers
X again, and picking the smallest one except for the one it already
X picked; and in general choosing the next number by examining all
X one thousand numbers and choosing the smallest one that hasn't yet
X been picked (as determined by examining all the ones already
X picked). Yes, the program will produce the right answer, but it
X will be much slower than a program that uses even a modicum of
X cleverness to avoid most of the work.
X<brute force and ignorance> n. A popular design technique at many
X software houses --- <brute force> coding unrelieved by any
X knowledge of how problems have been previously solved in elegant
X ways. Dogmatic adherence to design methodologies tends to
X encourage it. Characteristic of early <larval stage> programming;
X unfortunately, many never outgrow it. Often abbreviated BFI, as
X in: "Gak, they used a bubble sort! That's strictly from BFI."
X (this comment might be used by a hacker to describe the example
X given under <brute force> above). Compare <bogosity>.
X<BSD> /bee-ess-dee/ n. [acronym for Berkeley System Distribution] a
X family of <UNIX> versions for the DEC <VAX> developed by Bill Joy
X and others at University of California at Berkeley starting around
X 1980, incorporating TCP/IP networking enhancements and many other
X features. The BSD versions (4.1, 4.2, and 4.3) and commercial
X versions derived from them (SunOS and Mt. Xinu) held the technical
X lead in the UNIX world until AT&T's successful standardization
X efforts after about 1986, and are still widely popular. See
X<bucky bits> /buh'kee bits/ [primarily Stanford] n. The bits produced
X by the CTRL and META shift keys, esp. on a Stanford (or Knight)
X keyboard (see <space-cadet keyboard>). It is rumored that these
X were in fact named for Buckminster Fuller during a period when he
X was consulting at Stanford. Unfortunately, legend also has it that
X "Bucky" was Niklaus Wirth's nickname when *he* was
X consulting at Stanford and that he first suggested the idea of the
X meta key, so its bit was named after him. See <double bucky>,
X <quadruple bucky>.
X<buffer overflow> n. What typically happens when an <OS> or
X application is fed data faster than it can handle. Used
X metaphorically of human mental processes. "Sorry, I got four phone
X calls in three minutes last night and lost your message to a buffer
X overflow."
X<bug> n. An unwanted and unintended property of a program or hardware,
X esp. one which causes it to malfunction. Antonym of <feature>.
X Examples: "There's a bug in the editor: it writes things out
X backwards." "The system crashed because of a hardware bug."
X "Fred is a winner, but he has a few bugs." (e.g. Fred is a good
X guy, but he has a few personality problems.)
X Some have said this term came from telephone company usage: "bugs
X in a telephone cable" were blamed for noisy lines, but this
X appears to be an incorrect `folk etymology'. Admiral Grace Hopper
X (an early computing pioneer better known for inventing COBOL) liked
X to tell a story in which a technician solved a persistent glitch in
X the Harvard Mark II machine by pulling an actual physical bug out
X from between the contacts of one of its relays, and she
X subsequently promulgated <bug> in its hackish sense as a joke about
X the incident (though, as she was careful to admit, she was not
X there when it happened). For many years the logbook associated
X with the incident and the actual bug in question (a moth) sat in a
X display case at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, and now resides
X in the Smithsonian. The entire story, with a picture of the
X logbook and the moth taped into it, is recorded in the Annals of
X the History of Computing (Volume 3, Number 3 (July 1981) on pages
X 285 and 286.
X Interestingly, the text of the log entry, which is said to read
X "First example of an actual computer `bug'." establishes that the
X term was already in use at the time; and a similar incident is
X alleged to have occurred on the original ENIAC machine. Indeed,
X the use of "bug" to mean an industrial defect was already
X established in Thomas Edison's time, and "bug" in the sense of an
X annoyance goes back to Shakespeare!
X In any case, in hacker's slang the word almost never refers to
X insects. Here is a plausible conversation that never actually
X happened:
X "This ant-farm has a bug."
X "What do you mean? There aren't even any ants in it."
X "That's the bug."
X<bug compatible> n. Said of a design or revision the design of which
X has been badly compromised by a requirement to be compatible with
X <fossil>s or <misfeature>s in other programs or (esp.) previous
X releases of itself.
X<bulletproof> adj. Used of an algorithm or implementation considered
X extremely <robust>; lossage-resistant; capable of correctly
X recovering from any imaginable exception condition. This is a rare
X and valued quality. Syn. "armor-plated".
X<bum> 1. vt. To make highly efficient, either in time or space, often
X at the expense of clarity. "I managed to bum three more
X instructions out of that code." 2. n. A small change to an
X algorithm, program, or hardware device to make it more efficient.
X "This hardware bum makes the jump instruction faster." Usage:
X now uncommon, largely superseded by <tune>. Note that both these
X uses are rare in Commonwealth English, where "bum" is interpreted
X as a rude synonym for "buttocks".
X<bump> vt. Synonym for increment. Has the same meaning as C's ++
X operator. Used esp. of counter variables, pointers and index
X dummies in for, while, and do-until loops.
X<burble> vi. Like <flame>, but connotes that the source is truly
X clueless and ineffectual (mere flamers can be competent). A term
X of deep contempt.
X<busy-wait> vi. To wait on an event by <spin>ning through a tight or
X timed-delay loop that polls for the event on each pass, as opposed
X to setting up an interrupt handler and continuing execution on
X another part of the task. A wasteful technique, best avoided on
X time-sharing systems where a busy-waiting program may hog the
X processor. Syn. <spin-lock>
X<buzz> vi. 1. Of a program, to run with no indication of progress and
X perhaps without guarantee of ever finishing; esp. said of programs
X thought to be executing tight loops of code. The state of a
X buzzing program resembles <catatonia>, but you never get out of
X catatonia, while a buzzing loop may eventually end of its own
X accord. Example: "The program buzzes for about ten seconds trying
X to sort all the names into order." See <spin>. 2. [ETA Systems]
X To test a wire or PCB trace for continuity by applying an AC signal
X as opposed to applying a DC signal. Some wire faults will pass DC
X tests but fail a buzz test.
X<BWQ> /bee duhb'l-yoo kyoo/ [IBM] n. Buzz Word Quotient. Usually
X roughly proportional to <bogosity>. See <TLA>.
X<bytesexual> /biet-seks'u- at l/ adj. Said of hardware, denotes
X willingness to compute or pass data in either <big-endian> or
X <little-endian> format (depending, presumably, on a mode bit
X somewhere). See also <NUXI problem>
X {= C =}
X<C> n. 1. The third letter of the Latin alphabet. 2. The name of a
X programming language designed by Dennis Ritchie during the early
X 1970s and first used to implement <UNIX>. So called because many
X features derived from an earlier interpreter named `B' in
X commemoration of *its* parent, BCPL; before Bjarne Stroustrup
X settled the question by designing C++, there was a humorous debate
X over whether C's successor should be named `D' or `P'. C became
X immensely popular outside Bell Labs after about 1980 and is now the
X dominant language in systems and microcomputer applications
X programming. See <languages of choice>.
X<can> vt. To abort a job on a time-sharing system. Used esp. when the
X person doing the deed is an operator, as in "canned from the
X console". Frequently used in an imperative sense, as in "Can
X that print job, the LPT just popped a sprocket!". Synonymous with
X <gun>. It is said that the ASCII character with mnemonic CAN
X (0011000) was used as a kill-job character on some early OSs.
X<calculator> [Cambridge] n. Syn. for <bitty box>.
X<canonical> adj. The usual or standard state or manner of something.
X This word has a somewhat more technical meaning in mathematics.
X For example, one sometimes speaks of a formula as being in
X canonical form. Two formulas such as "9 + x" and "x + 9" are
X said to be equivalent because they mean the same thing, but the
X second one is in canonical form because it is written in the usual
X way, with the highest power of x first. Usually there are fixed
X rules you can use to decide whether something is in canonical form.
X The slang meaning is a relaxation of the technical meaning (this
X generalization is actually not confined to hackers, and may be
X found throughout academia).
X A true story: One Bob Sjoberg, new at the MIT AI Lab, expressed
X some annoyance at the use of jargon. Over his loud objections, we
X made a point of using jargon as much as possible in his presence,
X and eventually it began to sink in. Finally, in one conversation,
X he used the word "canonical" in jargon-like fashion without
X thinking. Steele: "Aha! We've finally got you talking jargon
X too!" Stallman: "What did he say?" Steele: "Bob just used
X `canonical' in the canonical way."
X<card walloper> n. An EDP programmer who works on batch programs that
X do stupid things like print people's paychecks. Compare <code
X grinder>.
X<casters-up mode> /cas'trz uhp mohd/ [IBM] n. Yet another synonym for
X `broken' or `down'.
X<casting the runes> n. The act of getting a <guru> to run a particular
X program and type at it because it never works for anyone else; esp.
X used when nobody can ever see what the guru is doing different from
X J. Random Luser does. Compare <incantation>, <runes>, <examining
X the entrails>.
X<case and paste> [from "cut and paste"] n. 1. The addition of a new
X <feature> to an existing system by selecting the code from an
X existing feature and pasting it in with minor changes. Common in
X telephony circles because most operations in a telephone switch are
X selected using case statements. Leads to <software bloat>.
X<cat> [from "concatenate" via <UNIX> `cat(1)'] vt. To spew an entire
X (notionally, large) file to the screen or some other output sink
X without pause; by extension, to dump large amounts of data at an
X unprepared target or with no intention of browsing it carefully.
X Usage: considered silly. Rare outside UNIX sites. See also <DD>,
X <BLT>.
X<catatonia> n. A condition of suspended animation in which something
X is so <wedged> that it makes no response. For example, if you are
X typing on a terminal and suddenly the computer doesn't even echo
X the letters back to the screen as you type, let alone do what
X you're asking it to do, then the computer is suffering from
X catatonia (possibly because it has crashed).
X<cdr> /ku'dr/ [from LISP] vt. To remove the first item from a list of
X things. In the form "cdr down", to trace down a list of
X elements. "Shall we cdr down the agenda?" Usage: silly. See
X also <loop through>.
X<chad> /chad/ n. 1. The perforated edge strips on printer paper, after
X they have been separated from the printed portion. Also called
X <selvage> and <perf>. 2. obs. the confetti-like paper bits punched
X out of cards or paper tape; this was also called `chaff', `computer
X confetti', and `keypunch droppings'.
X Historical note: one correspondent believes `chad' (sense #1)
X derives from the Chadless keypunch (named for its inventor), which
X cut little u-shaped tabs in the card to make a hole when the tab
X folded back, rather than punching out a circle/rectangle; it was
X clear that if the `Chadless' keypunch didn't make them, then the
X stuff that other keypunches made had to be `chad'.
X<chain> [orig. from BASIC's CHAIN statement] vi. When used of
X programming languages, refers to a statement that allows a parent
X executable to hand off execution to a child without going through
X the <OS> command interpreter. The state of the parent program is
X lost and there is no returning to it. Though this facility used to
X be common on memory-limited micros and is still widely supported
X for backward compatibility, the jargon usage is semi-obsolescent;
X in particular most UNIX programmers will think of this as an
X <exec>. Oppose the more modern <subshell>.
X<char> /keir/ or /char/; rarely, /kar/ n. Shorthand for `character'.
X Esp. used by C programmers, as `char' is C's typename for
X character data.
X<chase pointers> 1. vi. To go through multiple levels of indirection,
X as in traversing a linked list or graph structure. Used esp. by
X programmers in C, where explicit pointers are a very common data
X type. This is almost jargon in the strict sense, but remains slang
X when used of human networks. "I'm chasing pointers. Bob said you
X could tell me who to talk to about..." 2. [Cambridge] <pointer
X chase> or <pointer hunt>: the process of going through a dump
X (interactively or on a large piece of paper printed with hex
X <runes>) following dynamic data-structures. Only used in a
X debugging context.
X<chemist> [Cambridge University] n. Someone who wastes CPU time on
X number-crunching when you'd far rather the CPU was doing something
X more productive, such as working out anagrams of your name or
X printing Snoopy calendars or running <life> patterns. May or may
X not refer to someone who actually studies chemistry.
X<Chernobyl packet> /cher-no'b at l pa'k at t/ n. An IP Ethergram with both
X source and destination Ether and IP address set as the respective
X broadcast address. So called because it induces <network
X meltdown>.
X<choke> vt. To reject input, often ungracefully. "I tried building
X <x>, but cpp choked on all those #define's." See <barf>, <gag>,
X <vi>.
X<chomp> vt. To lose; to chew on something of which more was bitten off
X than one can. Probably related to gnashing of teeth. See
X <bagbiter>. A hand gesture commonly accompanies this, consisting
X of the four fingers held together as if in a mitten or hand puppet,
X and the fingers and thumb open and close rapidly to illustrate a
X biting action (much like what the PacMan does in the classic video
X game, though this pantomime seems to predate that). The gesture
X alone means "chomp chomp" (see Verb Doubling). The hand may be
X pointed at the object of complaint, and for real emphasis you can
X use both hands at once. For example, to do this to a person is
X equivalent to saying "You chomper!" If you point the gesture at
X yourself, it is a humble but humorous admission of some failure.
X You might do this if someone told you that a program you had
X written had failed in some surprising way and you felt dumb for not
X having anticipated it.
X<chomper> n. Someone or something that is chomping; a loser. See
X <loser>, <bagbiter>, <chomp>.
X<Christmas tree> n. A kind of RS-232 line tester or breakout box
X featuring rows of blinking red and green LEDs like Christmas
X lights.
X<Christmas tree packet> n. A packet with every single option set for
X whatever protocol is in use.
X<chrome> [from automotive slang via wargaming] n. Showy features added
X to attract users, but which contribute little or nothing to the
X power of a system. "The 3D icons in Motif are just chrome!"
X Distinguished from <bells and whistles> by the fact that the latter
X are usually added to gratify developers' own desires for
X featurefulness.
X<Church of the Sub-Genius> n. A mutant offshoot of <Discordianism>
X launched in 1981 as a spoof of fundamentalist Christianity by the
X "Rev." Ivan Stang, a brilliant satirist with a gift for
X promotion. Popular among hackers as a rich source of bizarre
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