January 1991 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 1 00:18:30 AEST 1991
Ending: Thu Jan 31 22:59:11 AEST 1991
Messages: 256
- Disk quotas and the like: is there a standard?
- Need help with carier detect?
Kirk Reiser 519 661-3061
- Problems with serial drivers (and postscript printer)
System Administrator
- Why is restore so slow?
Jerry Aguirre
- How to distinguish between STREAMS and non-STREAMSD
Steve Alexander
Mark Allen
- How do I configure a SLIP connection (VAX/750 4.3bsd)
Michael Almond
- poll(2) and EAGAIN
Jeff Anton
- Is it "grep'
Wayne H. Badger
- Discussion list + server programs
Lance R. Bailey
- OS/2 is dead. Long live OS/2
Deryk Barker
- Transport Layer Interface / STREAMS broadcast
Iain Bason
- Come on wizards
Bob Beaulieu
- fidonet
Zacharias Beckman
- Software Obesity (was Re: Jargon file v2.1.5)
Dan Bernstein
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Dan Bernstein
- Wizard-level questions
Dan Bernstein
- non-superuser chown(2)s considered harmful
A.V. Le Blanc
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Heiko Blume
- File System Testing
Gregory Bollella
- Xwindows --> Copying a window to another workstation.
Mark Bradakis
- Streams development on 386 SysV3/4
Alex Brown
- holes in files
David Burren
- holes in files
David Burren
- Wizard-level questions
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Compressed executables
Chris Calabrese
- Unix MFM disk driver wanted (with source). SysV/WD[12]010 pref.
Augustine Cano
- a second "unspoofable" uid with NFS
John F Carr
- non-superuser chown(2)s considered harmful
John Chambers
- Where does TERM get set for Telnet logins (NOT EXACTLY)
Andrew Cherenson
- buffer cache profiling
Mike Cherepov
- Is it "grep'
J.T. Conklin
- Undocumented Sigvec Call?
Kevin Conner
Ben Cox
- The jargon file version 2.3.1 03 JAN 1991 follows in 11 parts
David Curry
- Nice
Ray Davis
- non-superuser chown(2)s considered harmful
Anthony DeBoer
- non-superuser chown(2)s considered harmful
Anthony DeBoer
- Is it "grep' (william crosby)
Carl Dichter
- Debugging library incompatibilty
Carl Dichter
- executing a stream
Casper H.S. Dik
- Wizard-level questions
LCDR Michael E. Dobson
- patching /unix on a 3b2 running V.2?
Alexander Dupuy
- Transport Layer Interface / STREAMS broadcast
Mike Eisler
- Don't buy the cover story
Carl Ellison
- Block device driver via TCP/IP
Peter Eriksson
- Wizard-level questions
Sean Eric Fagan
- Wizard-level questions
Sean Eric Fagan
- finding out where the text/bss sits
Paul John Falstad
- EMACS 18.55[.97] vs AT&T's SYSV 3.2.2 & OpenLook 2.0
Jose Fernandez
- dynamic linking problems
Brian Field
- Ideas for changes to Unix filesystem
Jeremy Fitzhardinge
- System crashes, beware
Glenn Ford
- finding out where the text/bss sits
Rory Foster
- Software Obesity (was Re: Jargon file v2.1.5)
Marc Fournier
Terry Freas
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Peter Galbavy
- Compressed executables
Victor Gavin
- Compressed executables
Victor Gavin
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
John Gilmore
- European help on DES export controls
John Gilmore
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
John Gilmore
- opcodes in unix ...
Mayer Goldberg
- Mail Forwarding Puzzle
Tony Guzzi
- Creating New System Calls in Sun OS 4.1
P. Michael Haffley
Alan Hargreaves
- executing a stream
Craig Harmer
- streams/ioctls
Guy Harris
- anonymous ftp ?
Guy Harris
- Is it "grep' (william crosby)
Guy Harris
- What does SUID, SGID and Sticky bits do on inappropriate files?
Guy Harris
- Disk quotas and the like: is there a standard?
Guy Harris
- finding out where the text/bss sits
Guy Harris
- How to distinguish between STREAMS and non-STREAMS
Guy Harris
- a second "unspoofable" uid with NFS
Guy Harris
- The jargon file version 2.3.1 03 JAN 1991 follows in 11 parts
Steve Hayman
- Where is c.u.wizards ?
Laird J. Heal
Guy Helmer
- SysV Rel 3.2 and Rel 4 drivers for tmc 885
Harish Hiriyannaiah
- How to distinguish between STREAMS and non-STREAMSD
Keith Holder
- debugging drivers
David Hoopes
- Unix-Math 101 (Re: Come on wizards)
Blair P. Houghton
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Blair P. Houghton
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Blair P. Houghton
- The jargon file version 2.3.1 03 JAN 1991 follows in 11 parts
Blair P. Houghton
- Compressed executables
Blair P. Houghton
- Is it "grep'
Andrew Hume
- Is it "grep'
Andrew Hume
- Limiting the number of user processes ?
Greg Hunt
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
John F Haugh II
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
John F Haugh II
John F Haugh II
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
John F Haugh II
- Where is c.u.wizards ?
John F Haugh II
- SYS V - What is Inode 1 ?
John F Haugh II
- Why is restore so slow?
John F Haugh II
- Wizard-level questions
John F Haugh II
- Why is restore so slow?(what about using cpio -pudmv)
J.C. Webber III
- emacs: `getwd' failed: getwd: can't open ...
Yedidya Israel
- Magic Levels
Jesse R. Buckley, Jr.
- Xwindows --> Copying a window to another workstation.
Jesse R. Buckley, Jr.
- Mail forwarding puzzle
Jesse R. Buckley, Jr.
- Modifying a unix process table on the fly
Root Boy Jim
- Standalone driver question
David E. Johnson
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR
- What does SUID, SGID and Sticky bits do on inappropriate files?
Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Jonathan I. Kamens
Ti Kan
- finding out where the text/bss sits
Brendan Kehoe
- Can Maple or Lisp call the other?
Jonathan King
- Remote procedure calls
Fletcher Kittredge
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Ronnie Kon
- The jargon file version 2.3.1 03 JAN 1991 follows in 11 parts
Ronnie Kon
- Is it "grep'
Ronnie Kon
- Discussion list + server programs
Anastasios Kotsikonas
- Need Help on Memory Protection on a Sun 4
Michael Lam
- Standalone driver question
Chris Lewis
- How determine if a file is opened by another process
Chris Lewis
- Question:Books on Unix
Alan Light
- need maillist for scsi-device drivers
Yuan-Der Liu
- DES export regulations relaxed
Tony Luck
- finding out where the text/bss sits
Tony Luck
- finding out where the text/bss sits
Tony Luck
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
John Lupien
- Remote procedure calls
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Barry Margolin
- executing a stream
Barry Margolin
- executing a stream
Barry Margolin
- Nice
Richard M. Mathews
- Format of SVR4 UUCP lockfiles?
Dave McCracken
- How to distinguish between STREAMS and non-STREAMS
Dave McCracken
- Monitoring a tty
Neil M. McQuaig
- Wizard-level questions
Larry McVoy
- inoe de 1
Frank Mcpherson
- Where is t defined?
Phil Meyer
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Jan Mikkelsen
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Jan Mikkelsen
- Format of SVR4 UUCP lockfiles?
David C. Miller
- finding out where the text/bss sits
josef Moellers
- opcodes in unix ...
josef Moellers
- finding out where the text/bss sits
josef Moellers
- How to distinguish between STREAMS and non-STREAMS
josef Moellers
- OS/2 is dead. Long live OS/2
Phil Morris
- Unblocking filedescriptor(s)
Eliot Moss
- Modifying a unix process table on the fly
Dan Dick "Squid Mugger"
- What's up with c.u.wizards ?
- Shared Memory and BSD 4.3
Andy Newman
- Is the DES algorythm PD?
DoN Nichols
- Is it "grep'
DoN Nichols
- Request to be added to mailing list
Benjamin Olasov
- executing a stream
Mike Oliver
- How determine if a file is opened by another process
Andrew Patrick
- Where does TERM get set for Telnet logins (NOT EXACTLY)
Hascall John Paul
- Is the DES algorythm PD?
Mark Pledger
- Nice
Kevin D. Quitt
- How determine if a file is opened by another process
Rick Randall
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Marcus J. Ranum
- Monthly posting of the jargon file
Marcus J. Ranum
- Levels of wizards/Jargon and other tripe
Marcus J. Ranum
- Where is c.u.wizards ?
Marcus J. Ranum
- The jargon file version 2.3.1 03 JAN 1991 follows in 11 parts
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 1 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 2 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 3 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 4 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 5 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 6 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 7 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 8 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 9 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 10 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- The Jargon File v2.3.1 03 JAN 1991, part 11 of 11
Eric S. Raymond
- No more Jargon File postings here
Eric S. Raymond
- Compressed executables
Eiger Richard
- How do I lock the passwd file?
Neil Rickert
- Question:Books on Unix
Boyd Roberts
- How to distinguish between STREAMS and non-STREAMS
Boyd Roberts
- Nice
Boyd Roberts
- Software Obesity (was Re: Jargon file v2.1.5)
Tom Rombouts
- Gnu Emacs run time error
- Where is c.u.wizards ?
Chip Salzenberg
- Where is c.u.wizards ?
Chip Salzenberg
- SPARCserver Manager/disk mirroring
Dominick Samperi
- TCP/IP network configuration
Dominick Samperi
- Help needed with RS/6000 AIX 3.1 tty device driver.
Andre Scheunemann
- Software Obesity (was Re: Jargon file v2.1.5)
Mike Schilling
- Where does TERM get set for Telnet logins (NOT EXACTLY)
Vernon Schryver
- Is it "grep'
- Is it "grep'
- The jargon file version 2.3.1 03 JAN 1991 follows in 11 parts
Barry Shein
- Is it "grep'
Barry Shein
- Wizard-level questions
Barry Shein
- Come on wizards
Pete Shipley
- How to reply a uucp mail?
Ray Shwake
- ..
John Smeh
- streams/ioctls
Wolfgang Solfrank
- Debugging library incompatibilty
Christopher M Songer
- Wizard-level questions
Gene Spafford
- Where is c.u.wizards ?
Christoph Splittgerber
- streams/ioctls
Ron Stanonik
- finding out where the text/bss sits
Mike Stefanik/78125
- Why is restore so slow?
David Steffens
- Why is restore so slow?
David Steffens
- 4.0 What's in a name
Rich Stevens
- biff y
Kartik Subbarao
- executing a stream
John Tamplin
- Compressed executables
Mark Taunton
- Wizard-level questions
Kermit Tensmeyer
- porting from bds to sys V
Frank Terhaar-Yonkers
- Compressed executables
Richard Tobin
- Compressed executables
Richard Tobin
- setting ipg > MAXIPG on a filesystem?
Chris Torek
- Compressed executables
Henry Troup
- inode 1
Dave Turner
- Software Obesity (was Re: Jargon file v2.1.5)
Marc Unangst
- Is it "grep'
Frank Wales
- DES export regulations. And what to do about it!
Amanda Walker
- Why is restore so slow?
Martin Weitzel
- Compressed executables
Martin Weitzel
- Termcap entries needed
Clay Calhoun Western
- Compressed executables
Andrew Wheadon
Ronald S Woan
- Software Obesity (was Re: Jargon file v2.1.5)
The Grey Wolf
- Software Obesity (was Re: Jargon file v2.1.5)
The Grey Wolf
- Wizard-level questions
Eoin Woods
Michiel Wories
- message queue structure in SUN OS 4.1
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- how to determine if a process has access to tty ports
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- How to determine if a process has access to tty port
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- opening tty devices with getty attached
Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672
- questions about 4.3BSD struct ifnet.if_addrlist
Michael A. Ziober
- questions about 4.3BSD struct ifnet.if_addrlist
Michael A. Ziober
- how to determine if a process has access to tty ports
- Wizard-level questions
mike at bria
- Is it "grep'
william crosby
- TREE command and etc.
TH794339%TWNCTU01.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu
- Where does TERM get set for Telnet logins (NOT EXACTLY)
- Where does TERM get set for Telnet logins (NOT EXACTLY)
- Terminal driver process control group ioctl()s?
jay dubb
- How to reply a uucp mail?
tik at eceyv.ncsu.edu
- New tcpdump and Berkeley Packet Filter available for anonymous ftp
tcpdump at ee.lbl.gov
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V11#093
daniel lance herrick
- Globbing benchmarks
STEINKEL%CAR1 at leav-emh.army.mil
- How to distinguish between STREAMS and non-STREAMSD
ccdn at levels.sait.edu.au
- Not the usual modem question...
robiner at oberon.usc.edu
- Where are all the unix wizards ????
terryl at sail.LABS.TEK.COM
- Is the DES algorythm PD?
mjoyce at smiley.mitre.org
- need maillist for scsi-device drivers
chucks at sne42n.orl.mmc.com
- aioread
emsca!usb!beto at sun.com
- Limiting the number of user processes ?
- How determine if a file is opened by another process
- 4.0 What's in a name
drl at vuse.vanderbilt.edu
- a second "unspoofable" uid with NFS
drl at vuse.vanderbilt.edu
- How to merge two files in awk??
at xlab1.uucp
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 22:59:11 AEST 1991
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:42:18 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).