Bell Tech 386 SysVr3

Howard Leadmon howardl at wb3ffv.UUCP
Mon Aug 15 06:38:32 AEST 1988

In article <552 at pcrat.UUCP>, rick at pcrat.UUCP (Rick Richardson) writes:
> OK, so let's make these groups:
> comp.unix.xenix	Discussions about the XENIX O.S.
> comp.unix.microport	Discussions about Microport's UNIX
> comp.unix.i286	General discussions of any *NIX on the Intel 80286 
> comp.unix.i386	General discussions of any *NIX on the Intel 80386 
> 		Rick Richardson, PC Research, Inc.

   Well this may be OK, but I would rather see it broke down into the 
different vendor catagories under the specific processors. Here is an
example of what I mean:

comp.unix.i286			General 80286 UNIX discussions
comp.unix.i386			General 80386 UNIX discussions
comp.unix.i286.microport	For System V/AT
comp.unix.i386.microport	For System V/386
comp.unix.i386.ix		For IX from Interactive for the 80386
comp.unix.i286.xenix		For 80286 Xenix
comp.unix.1386.xenix		For 80386 Xenix 

 I know this idea will create a half dozen new groups, but it will certanly
keep similar interests togeather. Also there should be no big deal about 
several subdivisions, it's only a couple extra subdirectories on our systems :-)

UUCP/SMTP : howardl at wb3ffv		|	Howard D. Leadmon
PACKET    : WB3FFV @ W3ITM		|	Fast Computer Service, Inc.
IP Address:			|	P.O. Box  171 
Telephone : (301)-335-2206		|	Chase, MD  21027-0171

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