Couple of Questions

Mitchell Ludwig mludwig at lehi3b15.UUCP
Wed Aug 31 05:18:59 AEST 1988

Ok, I am a relatively new user of Microport's Unix, so please bear
with a few *VERY* childish questions regarding its use...

	1.  I am using the machine on a 386 with 2 meg of ram and
	    a 60 meg drive.  The machine has two com ports.  Herin
	    lies my first and second problem.
	    The com 1 port has a hayes compatable modem up on it running
	    at 2400 baud.  I would like to use it for bi-directional
	    communications.  I used the ttyM00 in the inittab and that
	    sets my modem correctly.  All works fine until I attempt
	    to use kermit.  I set to /dev/ttyM00 and I get a protection
	    violation.  If I use root to change the protection I can call
	    out.  Unfortunately, after completing my communication, the
	    modem does not reset.  Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
	2.  My com2 port is wired with a null modem to an AT&T 7300 running
	    UN*X.  How can I get bi-directional communications between the
	    two?  I tried using a uugetty and that allows me to communicate
	    with the 7300.  When the 7300 tries to talk to me, the first time
	    it works ok.  After that, however, my machine isn't killing off
	    the lockfile and the 7300 cannot communicate again.
	3.  (My, don't these go on forever)  I own a 3com lan board and
	    want to use TCPIP with it.  The lan is wired via ethernet to
	    a machine with internet access.  How (if I can) can I get the
	    inittab to spawn me a getty for the 3com board?
			I appreciate the help, any and all replies will
			be appreciated.  
Mitchel Ludwig					KMLFUDW at
309 East 4th Street				MFL1 at Lehigh.bitnet
Bethlehem, PA 18015				mludwig! (wherever here is!)

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