catie/patch01 -- fixes to catie (Configure Ansi TermInfo Entries)
Rick Wargo
rickers at drexel.UUCP
Tue Aug 2 10:16:55 AEST 1988
The following is a shar file to patch catie. I am sorry about making
changes so soon, but I just didn't put enough time into looking at the
program (I got it up and running in about a half day ;-).
----------------------------- cut here -----------------------------------
# shar: Shell Archiver (v1.22)
# Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
# README.p01
# patch01
# patchlevel.h
echo "x - extracting README.p01 (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > README.p01 &&
XCatie is a shell script that allows custom terminfo entries for the
XAT386 (or ANSI) monitor under Microport System V. This shar
Xfixes up a few problems in the initial posting (sorry :-) and
Xcreates the patchlevel.h file.
XTo use: cd to the directory where catie lives and sh < this-file.
XIt will create README, patch01 and patchlevel.h.
XAfter unsharing, you must patch catie using `patch < patch01'.
XBeware, Microport supplies a program also named patch that does
Xbinary patching. The patch I am referring to is Larry Wall's patch.
XI have renamed the Microport supplied patch program to "Patch" and
Xkept Larry Wall's patch program named "patch".
XIf you do not have the patch program, send me email and I can mail you
Xthe latest version of catie.
X Good luck,
X Rickers
X ..!drexel!rickers
chmod 0664 README.p01 || echo "restore of README.p01 fails"
echo "x - extracting patch01 (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > patch01 &&
XSystem: catie
XPatch #: 1
XPriority: HIGH
XSubject: Updates to terminfo description for AT386/ANSI monitor.
XFrom: rickers at drexel (Rick Wargo)
X Catie does not make sure you are in mono mode when selecting mono.
X The entry for blink is missing a left brace. Had knp and kpp
X reversed. Forgot to put %p9 in sgr and a 10 in sgr0. Added a few
X entries that I didn't have. Changed the ascs line to be what
X james at bigtex (James Van Artsdalen) suggested in his terminfo posting.
X Modified the init/reset entries slightly. Changed the order of some
X of the cursor parameters. Added xoffc and xonc. Fixed synonyms.
X Easy, just say `cd catie-dir; patch < this-patch-file' and watch it go.
X*** catie.old Mon Aug 1 19:57:32 1988
X--- catie Mon Aug 1 19:57:03 1988
X*** 106,112 ****
X #
X # Let's do it.
X #
X- # setcolor -f white -b black
X echo "$clear\c"
X cat <<!Funky!Stuff!
X--- 106,111 ----
X*** 139,144 ****
X--- 138,144 ----
X color_mono=mono
X fi
X if [ $color_mono = "mono" ]; then
X+ setcolor -f white -b black
X echo ""
X echo Select the type of standout mode you would like:
X echo " 1) \033[${reverse}mstandout mode type 1 -- reverse\033[m"
X*** 330,336 ****
X rm -f ${filename}
X fi
X! if [ -s "$synonyms" ]; then
X header="${major}|${synonyms}"
X else
X header=${major}
X--- 330,336 ----
X rm -f ${filename}
X fi
X! if [ -n "$synonyms" ]; then
X header="${major}|${synonyms}"
X else
X header=${major}
X*** 348,393 ****
X it#8,
X lines#${lines},
X vt#3,
X! acsc=0[a~fxgqh~jYk?lZm at nEqDtCu4vAwBx3~y,
X bel=^G,
X! blink=\E[$blink}m,
X bold=\E[${bold}m,
X cbt=\E[Z,
X! civis=\E[${cursor_invisible};${cursor_reset}m,
X clear=\E[H\E[J,
X! cnorm=\E[${normal_cursor};${cursor_reset}m,
X cr=\r,
X csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
X- cub=\E[%p1%dD,
X cub1=\b,
X! cud=\E[%p1%dB,
X cud1=\n,
X! cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
X cuf1=\E[C,
X cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
X- cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
X cuu1=\E[A,
X cvvis=\E[${very_visible_cursor}m,
X- dch=\E[%p1%dP,
X dch1=\E[P,
X! dl=\E[%p1%dM,
X dl1=\E[M,
X ech=\E[%p1%dX,
X ed=\E[J,
X- el=\E[K,
X el1=\E[1K,
X home=\E[H,
X hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
X ht=\t,
X hts=\EH,
X! il=\E[%p1%dL,
X il1=\E[L,
X ind=\E[S,
X indn=\E[%p1%dS,
X invis=\E[${invisible}m,
X is1=\E[=h,
X! is2=\E7\E[1;25r\E8\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8l\E[0;10;${normal_cursor};${cursor_reset};${fore_color};${back_color}m,
X kbs=\b,
X kcub1=\E[D,
X kcud1=\E[B,
X kcuf1=\E[C,
X--- 348,397 ----
X it#8,
X lines#${lines},
X vt#3,
X! acsc=+/0~.ga1fxgqh20[lZm at k?jYqDx3tCu9vPwQ~z,
X bel=^G,
X! blink=\E[${blink}m,
X bold=\E[${bold}m,
X cbt=\E[Z,
X! civis=\E[${cursor_reset};${cursor_invisible}m,
X clear=\E[H\E[J,
X! cnorm=\E[${cursor_reset};${normal_cursor}m,
X cr=\r,
X csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
X cub1=\b,
X! cub=\E[%p1%dD,
X cud1=\n,
X! cud=\E[%p1%dB,
X cuf1=\E[C,
X+ cuf=\E[%p1%dC,
X cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH,
X cuu1=\E[A,
X+ cuu=\E[%p1%dA,
X cvvis=\E[${very_visible_cursor}m,
X dch1=\E[P,
X! dch=\E[%p1%dP,
X dl1=\E[M,
X+ dl=\E[%p1%dM,
X ech=\E[%p1%dX,
X ed=\E[J,
X el1=\E[1K,
X+ el=\E[K,
X home=\E[H,
X hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
X ht=\t,
X hts=\EH,
X! .ich1=\E[@ (*** if not using enter/exit insert mode),
X! .ich=\E[%p1@ (*** if not using enter/exit insert mode),
X il1=\E[L,
X+ il=\E[%p1%dL,
X ind=\E[S,
X indn=\E[%p1%dS,
X invis=\E[${invisible}m,
X is1=\E[=h,
X! is2=\E7\E[r\E8\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8l\E[0;10;${cursor_reset};${normal_cursor};${fore_color};${back_color}m,
X! kb2=\E[G,
X kbs=\b,
X+ kcbt=\E[Z,
X kcub1=\E[D,
X kcud1=\E[B,
X kcuf1=\E[C,
X*** 395,409 ****
X kdch1=\E[P,
X kdl1=\E[M,
X kend=\E[Y,
X- kf1=\EOP,
X- kf2=\EOQ,
X- kf3=\EOR,
X- kf4=\EOS,
X- kf5=\EOT,
X- kf6=\EOU,
X- kf7=\EOV,
X- kf8=\EOW,
X- kf9=\EOX,
X kf10=\EOY,
X kf11=\EOp,
X kf12=\EOq,
X--- 399,404 ----
X*** 414,426 ****
X kf17=\EOv,
X kf18=\EOw,
X kf19=\EOx,
X kf20=\EOy,
X khome=\E[H,
X kich1=\E[@,
X kil1=\E[L,
X! knp=\E[V,
X! kpp=\E[U,
X rc=\E8,
X rev=\E[${reverse}m,
X ri=\E[T,
X rin=\E[%p1%dT,
X--- 409,434 ----
X kf17=\EOv,
X kf18=\EOw,
X kf19=\EOx,
X+ kf1=\EOP,
X kf20=\EOy,
X+ kf2=\EOQ,
X+ kf3=\EOR,
X+ kf4=\EOS,
X+ kf5=\EOT,
X+ kf6=\EOU,
X+ kf7=\EOV,
X+ kf8=\EOW,
X+ kf9=\EOX,
X khome=\E[H,
X kich1=\E[@,
X kil1=\E[L,
X! kind=\E[T,
X! knp=\E[U,
X! kpp=\E[V,
X! kri=\E[S,
X! nel=\EE,
X rc=\E8,
X+ .rep=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db (*** buggy),
X rev=\E[${reverse}m,
X ri=\E[T,
X rin=\E[%p1%dT,
X*** 429,437 ****
X rmir=\E[4l,
X rmso=\E[${back_color}m,
X rmul=\E[m,
X sc=\E7,
X! sgr=\E[%?%p1%t${standout};%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p5%t8;%;%?%p6%t1;%;%?%p7%t8;%;m,
X! sgr0=\E[0;${fore_color};${back_color}m,
X smacs=\E[${upperchars}m,
X smam=\E[?7l,
X smir=\E[4h,
X--- 437,448 ----
X rmir=\E[4l,
X rmso=\E[${back_color}m,
X rmul=\E[m,
X+ rs1=\Ec\E[0m\E[r,
X+ rs2=\E[22m,
X+ rs3=\E[55m,
X sc=\E7,
X! sgr0=\E[0;10;${fore_color};${back_color}m,
X! sgr=\E[%?%p1%t${standout};%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p5%t8;%;%?%p6%t1;%;%?%p9%t12%e10%;m,
X smacs=\E[${upperchars}m,
X smam=\E[?7l,
X smir=\E[4h,
X*** 439,447 ****
X smul=\E[${underline}m,
X tbc=\E[2g,
X vpa=\E[%p1%dd,
X! .ich=\E[%p1@ (*** if not using enter/exit insert mode),
X! .ich1=\E[@ (*** if not using enter/exit insert mode),
X! .rep=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db (*** buggy),
X !Color!
X else
X cat <<!Mono! >> ${filename}
X--- 450,457 ----
X smul=\E[${underline}m,
X tbc=\E[2g,
X vpa=\E[%p1%dd,
X! xoffc=^S,
X! xonc=^Q,
X !Color!
X else
X cat <<!Mono! >> ${filename}
X*** 452,465 ****
X it#8,
X lines#${lines},
X vt#3,
X! acsc=0[a~fxgqh~jYk?lZm at nEqDtCu4vAwBx3~y,
X bel=^G,
X blink=\E[${blink}m,
X bold=\E[${bold}m,
X cbt=\E[Z,
X! civis=\E[${cursor_invisible};${cursor_reset}m,
X clear=\E[H\E[J,
X! cnorm=\E[${normal_cursor};${cursor_reset}m,
X cr=\r,
X csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
X cub1=\b,
X--- 462,475 ----
X it#8,
X lines#${lines},
X vt#3,
X! acsc=+/0~.ga1fxgqh20[lZm at k?jYqDx3tCu9vPwQ~z,
X bel=^G,
X blink=\E[${blink}m,
X bold=\E[${bold}m,
X cbt=\E[Z,
X! civis=\E[${cursor_reset};${cursor_invisible}m,
X clear=\E[H\E[J,
X! cnorm=\E[${cursor_reset};${normal_cursor}m,
X cr=\r,
X csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr,
X cub1=\b,
X*** 484,497 ****
X hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
X ht=\t,
X hts=\EH,
X il1=\E[L,
X il=\E[%p1%dL,
X ind=\E[S,
X indn=\E[%p1%dS,
X invis=\E[${invisible}m,
X is1=\E[=h,
X! is2=\E7\E[1;25r\E8\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8l\E[0;10;${normal_cursor};${cursor_reset}m,
X kbs=\b,
X kcub1=\E[D,
X kcud1=\E[B,
X kcuf1=\E[C,
X--- 494,511 ----
X hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG,
X ht=\t,
X hts=\EH,
X+ .ich1=\E[@ (*** if not using enter/exit insert mode),
X+ .ich=\E[%p1@ (*** if not using enter/exit insert mode),
X il1=\E[L,
X il=\E[%p1%dL,
X ind=\E[S,
X indn=\E[%p1%dS,
X invis=\E[${invisible}m,
X is1=\E[=h,
X! is2=\E7\E[r\E8\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7l\E[?8l\E[0;10;${cursor_reset};${normal_cursor};${fore_color};${back_color}m,
X! kb2=\E[G,
X kbs=\b,
X+ kcbt=\E[Z,
X kcub1=\E[D,
X kcud1=\E[B,
X kcuf1=\E[C,
X*** 499,513 ****
X kdch1=\E[P,
X kdl1=\E[M,
X kend=\E[Y,
X- kf1=\EOP,
X- kf2=\EOQ,
X- kf3=\EOR,
X- kf4=\EOS,
X- kf5=\EOT,
X- kf6=\EOU,
X- kf7=\EOV,
X- kf8=\EOW,
X- kf9=\EOX,
X kf10=\EOY,
X kf11=\EOp,
X kf12=\EOq,
X--- 513,518 ----
X*** 518,530 ****
X kf17=\EOv,
X kf18=\EOw,
X kf19=\EOx,
X kf20=\EOy,
X khome=\E[H,
X kich1=\E[@,
X kil1=\E[L,
X! knp=\E[V,
X! kpp=\E[U,
X rc=\E8,
X rev=\E[${reverse}m,
X ri=\E[T,
X rin=\E[%p1%dT,
X--- 523,548 ----
X kf17=\EOv,
X kf18=\EOw,
X kf19=\EOx,
X+ kf1=\EOP,
X kf20=\EOy,
X+ kf2=\EOQ,
X+ kf3=\EOR,
X+ kf4=\EOS,
X+ kf5=\EOT,
X+ kf6=\EOU,
X+ kf7=\EOV,
X+ kf8=\EOW,
X+ kf9=\EOX,
X khome=\E[H,
X kich1=\E[@,
X kil1=\E[L,
X! kind=\E[T,
X! knp=\E[U,
X! kpp=\E[V,
X! kri=\E[S,
X! nel=\EE,
X rc=\E8,
X+ .rep=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db (*** buggy),
X rev=\E[${reverse}m,
X ri=\E[T,
X rin=\E[%p1%dT,
X*** 533,541 ****
X rmir=\E[4l,
X rmso=\E[m,
X rmul=\E[m,
X sc=\E7,
X! sgr0=\E[0m,
X! sgr=\E[%?%p1%t${standout};%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p5%t8;%;%?%p6%t1;%;%?%p7%t8;%;m,
X smacs=\E[${upperchars}m,
X smam=\E[?7l,
X smir=\E[4h,
X--- 551,562 ----
X rmir=\E[4l,
X rmso=\E[m,
X rmul=\E[m,
X+ rs1=\Ec\E[0m\E[r,
X+ rs2=\E[22m,
X+ rs3=\E[55m,
X sc=\E7,
X! sgr0=\E[0;10m,
X! sgr=\E[%?%p1%t${standout};%;%?%p2%t4;%;%?%p3%t7;%;%?%p4%t5;%;%?%p5%t8;%;%?%p6%t1;%;%?%p9%t12%e10%;m,
X smacs=\E[${upperchars}m,
X smam=\E[?7l,
X smir=\E[4h,
X*** 543,551 ****
X smul=\E[${underline}m,
X tbc=\E[2g,
X vpa=\E[%p1%dd,
X! .ich=\E[%p1@ (*** if not using enter/exit insert mode),
X! .ich1=\E[@ (*** if not using enter/exit insert mode),
X! .rep=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db (*** buggy),
X !Mono!
X fi
X--- 564,571 ----
X smul=\E[${underline}m,
X tbc=\E[2g,
X vpa=\E[%p1%dd,
X! xoffc=^S,
X! xonc=^Q,
X !Mono!
X fi
chmod 0664 patch01 || echo "restore of patch01 fails"
echo "x - extracting patchlevel.h (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > patchlevel.h &&
chmod 0664 patchlevel.h || echo "restore of patchlevel.h fails"
exit 0
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